Naomi Weak
Congratulations to Naomi Weak, who was awarded the David Hojnacke, CHS 2020, Scholarship!
Naomi will be attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln to study pre-law. She wants to become a human rights attorney one day, and was inspired to follow this career path because “I witnessed what our country has been going through, I have experienced opposition regarding my own disability, and I want to help others in the push for equality.”
Naomi said she loved being at Central because she felt like she could be herself without fear of being placed in a box. “There is such a wide range of students at Central, and we are all so different… those differences are celebrated there.”
Naomi wanted to thank Mrs. Kirksey and Mrs. Jamie Miller for supporting her, and helping her get the accommodations she needed to be successful.
Congratulations, Naomi!

Daniel Denenberg
Congratulations to Daniel Denenberg, who was awarded the Robert Spire, CHS 1943, Scholarship!
Daniel will be flying from the nest all the way up to Massachusetts to attend Harvard University! He will study Computer Science with dreams of one day becoming a technical advisor to a legislator. He said he was inspired to follow this career path when he became involved in the political process this past election cycle and observed a need for more knowledgable tech support to build a more modern infrastructure in Congress.
He said the most impactful part of being a Central High School Eagle was the community of diversity. He said it was clear that everyone there, regardless of differences, was proud to be an Eagle. He also said he never had a single teacher he didn’t like!
Congratulations, Daniel!

Isabela Weber
Congratulations to Isabela Weber, who was awarded the Duane M. and Douglas J. Perry Mathematics Award!
Isabela is headed to Fordham University in New York City, and is eager to explore various majors that will help her achieve her dreams of working for the United States Foreign Service.
Isabela said what she loved the most was the spirit and atmosphere at Central; students and teachers were proud to be there and she found that to be very inspiring. “The teachers I’d like to thank are Mr. Wilson, Dr. Sand, and Mrs. Denton!”
Congrats, Isabela!

Avenlea White
Congratulations to Avenlea White, who was awarded the Augusta Turpin English Scholarship!
Avenlea will be attending the University of Kansas while majoring in Business Administration with a finance direction. Her dream job would be financially managing a professional baseball team or becoming a CEO or CFO for a Fortune 500 company. Avenlea’s favorite part about Central was being a part of the varsity softball team, unified bowling, and unified track that consisted of creating endless memories with her teammates and coaches. She would like to thank Coach Neel, Coach Mohr, and Coach Williams for inspiring her to pursue her business aspirations and building strong leadership skills within her. Avenlea writes, “Thank you to Coach Neel for dedicating his time and early mornings for hitting practice before school and thank you to Coach Mohr for being such a strong role model and taking me on a trip of a lifetime to France, Monaco, and Italy. Thank you to Coach Williams for leading ‘Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ where I was guided to my faith. You all left lasting impressions on my life that I will cherish and carry throughout college and beyond.”

Edward Easton VI
Congratulations to Edward Easton VI, who was awarded the Arthur, CHS 1914, and Genevieve K. Loomis Scholarship!
Edward will be attending the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, majoring in aerospace engineering with minors in math, computer science, and astrophysics. His dream career is to become a test pilot in the Air Force.
Edward said he loved going to Central because of the diversity of students and teachers, as well as the sense of pride and community present in the whole school. “All of my teachers were incredible,” he said, “but I would especially like to thank Dr. Sand and Dr. Lee for their mentorship regarding both academics and life beyond high school.”
Congratulations, Edward!

Sierra Jesus
Congratulations to Sierra Jesus, who was awarded the Henry Davis, CHS 1969, Scholarship!
Sierra will be attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln this fall, where she will major in psychology with a minor in business. Her dream job is to be a mental health therapist, while still maintaining her passion for baking! She would also like to open a bakery one day.
Sierra said, “there are sooooo many things I loved about going to Central High School! Whether it was walking the halls with my friends, attending the state games, or even writing themes, I loved it all, and I truly had the most amazing experience.” She said she would like to thank Mrs. Ericksen, Mrs. Jochim, Mrs. Mahoney, Mrs. Jensen, and Mrs. Sutton.
Congratulations, Sierra!

Jackson Farho
Congratulations to Jackson Farho, who was awarded the James Baume Stryker, CHS 1942, Scholarship!
Jackson will the attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in the fall to major in Botany. He said that he is very excited about working in a lab, hands-on with the plants, to learn more about them and find new purposes for their uses.
Jackson’s favorite part of going to Central High School was how large his classes were. “This means I was able to meet lots of people including some who would become my really good friends,” he said. He said he would like to thank ALL his teachers “for pushing me to become a better academic and to be fully prepared for college.”
Congratulations, Jackson!

Camila Munoz
Congratulations to Camila Munoz, who was awarded the John E. Sunderland, CHS 1916, Scholarship!
In the fall Camila will be attending Nebraska Wesleyan University and will major in Biology and minor in Spanish. She will also be on the University soccer team! She has dreams of one day becoming a physician’s assistant, and is looking forward to studying abroad in college.
Camila said her favorite memory of her time at Central was playing on the soccer team. “It was amazing to represent Central,” she said, “and it is something I will never forget!” Camila would like to thank Miss Saraka and Ms. Denton for “always being there and supporting me through my time at Central!”
Congratulations, Camila!

Abraham X. Hoskins
Congratulations to Abraham X. Hoskins, who was awarded the Doris and Allen Oglander Scholarship!
Abraham will be attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln to major in Computer Engineering. He hopes to one day become a computer hardware engineer!
Abraham said he loved “the Central faculty because they actually care about my plans for the future and put in their words for me with connections. They use their own success to help their students become successful.” Abraham said he would like to thank Mr. Mullen, Mr. Deboer, and Mr. Boyer “because they have had a major influence on my high school upbringing and my plans for the future.”
“Mr. Mullen from the first day has been my role model and set high standards for me to do great things. He also showed his support for me in sports by showing up to all of my events to cheer me on. Mr. Deboer was an amazing teacher who prepared me for what is to come in this career field and also was the only reason I was able to finish my goal of becoming and Eagle Scout. He went out of his was to show concern for his students in and out of his classroom and it shows. Finally, Mr. Boyer was great because he also had higher expectations for me in his class and recommended me for opportunities and scholarships, and gave me amazing connections for career opportunities in the future.”
Congratulations, Abraham!

Megan Moy
Congratulations to Megan Moy, who won the Larry Kavich, CHS 1963, Scholarship for Business!
Megan will be attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln to major in business administration and finance. She has dreams of becoming the CFO of a Fortune 500 company one day, or to become a successfully self-employed investment property owner.
“I loved the opportunities at Central,” said Megan. “It offered both academic and extracurricular activities, as well as a strong sense of community and school pride.” She would like to thank Ms. Kadar “for fostering my love of education,” Coach Larson and Coach Dierks “for encouraging me to excel both as a student and as an athlete,” and Ms. Williams “for sparking my interest in the world of business, for leading the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and for helping me to grow my faith.”
Congratulations Megan!

Daisy Friedman
Congratulations to Daisy Friedman, who won the John Keenan Scholarship!
Daisy will be flying all the way from the nest to the University of California — Los Angeles to major in Film and Television. One day she would like to be a screenwriter and a movie director!
Daisy said, “I loved the passion that all the students at Central High School had for their learning and their school community. Everybody loved Central for a different reason, but the bottom line was they loved it with their whole being.”
Daisy would like to thank Mrs. Denniston-Reed “for always allowing me to ask questions and pushing me in my intellectual pursuits.” She would also like to thank Ms. Wiksell for “always making me ask ‘so what?’ in my writing and always strive for high literary merit.”
Congratulations, Daisy!

Hser Hser Paw
Congratulations to Hser Hser Paw, who was awarded the Paul Jepsen, CHS 1929, Scholarship!
Hser Hser will be attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha to study pre-nursing. She dreams of one day becoming a neonatal nurse to work with pre-mature babies. She was inspired to do this from her own experience of being born pre-mature: she wants to help others like the nurses in the hospital helped her.
Hser Hser said the best part of attending Central High School was the diversity. At Central, she said “everyone is understanding and respectful of each other’s cultures and values.” She said she would like to thank her amazing teachers at Central, especially Mrs. Simmons. “She is a kind and considerate person,” she said. “She deeply cares about each and every one of her students. She took time to help me even when she had her own challenges to face, and I greatly appreciated that.”
Congratulations, Hser Hser!

Benjamin Jezewski
Congratulations to Benjamin Jezewski, who was awarded the World War II Memorial Scholarship!
Benjamin will be attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln next fall! Although he is unsure about his major, he is leaning toward English. “I would love to have a career as an author one day, as I love to write and I love being creative!”
Of being at Central High School the past four years Benjamin said, “I think Central had some many things to offer in regards to overall education and that’s one of the biggest reasons why I love the school! The teachers are passionate about what they do and they care a lot about their students.”
Benjamin said there were “too many teachers I’d like to thank for making my time at Central so special: Mr. Wilson, Ms. Wiksell, Ms. Allen, Mr. Mickeliunas just to name a few! All my teachers at Central were amazing and they made my experience in school so much better.”
Congratulations, Benjamin!

Carolyn Dillman
Congratulations to Carolyn Dillman, who was awarded the Virginia Lee Pratt, CHS 1937, Scholarship!
Carolyn will be going to the University of Nebraska at Lincoln to major in biological systems engineering and mathematics. She would love to go into prosthetic design or pharmacy when she graduates because “I want to help people and improve the lives of those around me in any way I can.”
Carolyn said, “I loved all of the opportunities that were offered at Central, especially math competitions and The Roadshow. My favorite memories from my four years were getting to host the middle school math competition and show all of the kids the amazing things Central has to offer. I also enjoyed getting to participate in The Roadshow during my time at Central and all of the friends I made through these activities.”
Carolyn would like to thank Dr. Sand and Ms. Pinquoch for “constantly pushing me to be the best person I could be and to strive for more than I thought I was capable of doing. They constantly showed me what it meant to be an Eagle.”
Congratulations, Carolyn!

Emerson Badje
Congratulations to Emerson Badje, who was awarded the Janice Ross Scholarship for the Outstanding Social Studies Student Award!
Emerson will be attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha to major in speech pathology and special education. “I have always loved working with children and would love to build relationships with kids and help advocate for those in need.”
Emerson said, “I have really enjoyed the past 4 years as an Eagle. Central pushed me both athletically and academically. It also challenged me to go out of my comfort zone and try new things. I loved being a part of the varsity softball & lacrosse team, as well as dancing in classrooms, unified track and bowling.”
Emerson would like to thank Coach Neel “for allowing me countless opportunities to improve and for dedicating so much time into helping me pursue softball.” She would also like to thank Coach Saraka “for helping me find a new love for lacrosse and encouraging me to try something new.” Additionally, she’d like to thank Mrs. Denton, Mr. Foster, and Mr. Smith “for sparking my interests in cultural studies and helping me grow as a student.”
Congratulations, Emerson!

Francisco Ramirez-Reyna
Congratulations to Francisco Ramirez-Reyna, who was awarded the Paul Jepsen, CHS 1929, Scholarship!
Francisco is planning to attend the University of Nebraska at Omaha this fall to major in pre-mechanical engineering. “I’m very much interested in engineering and STEM as a whole, and for now I think I’d like to be a materials engineer within the aerospace industry. If I’m lucky, with NASA!” (Dream big, Francisco! We believe in you!)
“My years at Central were a blast, and I loved every second of it,” he said. “I’d say the best part was the people and the quality of the institution itself. I met many wonderful people that I’m happy to call friends and I learned a great deal from the fine educators at Central.” Francisco would like to thank all of his teachers for the special impact they had on him, “but I would like to especially thank Mrs. Andrus for her help and guidance throughout my junior and senior year of high school.”
Congratulations, Francisco!

Devon Gill
Congratulations to Devon Gill, who earned the John E. Sunderland, CHS 1916, Scholarship!
Devon will be attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln this fall to major in accounting. He is unsure yet what his dream job will be, but he’s looking forward to learning all about how accountants are needed in every field!
Devon said his favorite thing about going to Central was the “atmosphere, the sense of pride, the feeling of community, and the lasting relationships I have formed with my peers.” He would like to thank Mrs. Mahoney, Mr. Boyer, Ms. Baldridge, Mr. Mickelunas, and Mrs. Deniston-Reed for their impact on him during his time in high school.
Congratulations, Devon!

Jaquelin Vega-Bustamante
Congratulations to Jaquelin Vega-Bustamante, who won the Henry Davis, CHS 1969, Scholarship!
Jaquelin will be attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha in the fall to major in public health. She said she hopes to “become a physician’s assistant to make others feel better and to learn more about my community.”
Jaquelin said she loved that Central gave her many opportunities for her to find her passion, and that so many knowledgable staff were there to help her find out what she wanted to do after high school. “I would like to thank Mrs. Elliott for helping me throughout my college process and always encouraging me in school!”
Congratulations, Jaquelin!

Shane Waits
Congratulations to Shane Waits, who was awarded the Marilyn Gray Buresh, CHS 1943, Scholarship!
Shane will be attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha to study music performance. He has dreams of becoming a musical artist one day!
Shane said, “what I loved about going to Central was seeing my friends and teachers every day and working together to create music. The positivity was radiating all over the building, not just the choir room or in the auditorium. But everywhere, every single day! It’s phenomenal when you can learn, and have fun while doing so.”
Shane said he would like to thank all of his teachers, counselors, and administrators. He said, “you’ve all shaped me into the person I am today, and I will be forever grateful. Eagle out!”
Congratulations, Shane!

Aleah Welton
Congratulations to Aleah Welton, who was awarded the John E. Sunderland, CHS 1916, Scholarship!
Aleah will be attending Arizona State University this fall! She will major in Business Communications at the W.P. Carey School of Business! She hopes to become a public relations manager or a self-employed e-commerce entrepreneur.
“Attending Central was an AMAZING experience, especially as an International Baccalaureate student,” said Aleah. “The overall sense of community and support at Central created a truly unbeatable atmosphere. I loved being an Eagle. As Eagles we have amazing school spirit, discipline, character, diversity, and the ability to be ourselves. Additionally, being an IB student allowed me and my peers to push ourselves to our fullest potential.”
Aleah would like to thank all of her teachers for “pushing me to be my best.” She would like to especially thank Mr. Foster, Ms. Gass, Mr. Kumar, and Mrs. Denton.
Fly high, Aleah!

Reagan Mabus
Congratulations to Reagan Mabus, who was awarded the Ruth Pilling, CHS 1926, Scholarship!
Reagan will be attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha this fall to major in psychology with a concentration in neuroscience and behavior. Her goal career is to be a neurosurgeon!
Reagan said, “I loved being a part of a community at Central that supports everybody! I also appreciated the rigorous course material as it was a great challenge to tackle.” She would like to thank Mr. Tyrey for “being a wonderful teacher and a positive influence in my life at Central.”
Congratulations, Reagan!

Bryan Jimenez-Adan
Congratulations to Bryan Jimenez-Adan, who was awarded the Henry Davis, CHS 1969, Scholarship!
Bryan will be going to the University of Nebraska Lincoln! He will be majoring in Business Administration and working towards establishing businesses of his own that “consists of establishing restaurants that celebrate various cultures, as well as resource centers that provide help for those who are in need of it.” His goal is to “help restore the life of communities that have experienced unfortunate events, and just help communities in any way I can!”
Bryan said, “Central helped me grow as an individual and encouraged me to learn more about different cultures and learn what I can do to make a change, as well as acknowledging the manner in which I should be respecting them!” He would like to thank Mrs.Mahoney who “encouraged me to continue growing and sharing my story through my writing. She believed in me when I struggled to at times!” He would also like to thank Mr. Juarez who “reminded me how important it is to laugh and smile, as well as celebrate our backgrounds.” Additionally, he’d like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Cisco who “continuously inspire creativity and hope for the world!” As well as Mr. Mullen and Mr. Ovenshire, “who encourage growth and truth in not just me, but all students.”
Congratulations, Bryan!

Ryan Turner
Congratulations to Ryan Turner, who was awarded the Hird Stryker, Jr., CHS 1936, Scholarship!
Ryan will be attending the University of Nebraska — Omaha in the fall to major in Business Marketing and Real Estate. He said one day his dream job is to be a real estate professional.
Congratulations, Ryan!

Owen Strazdas
Congratulations to Owen Strazdas, who was awarded the Ramona Byers Sanders, CHS 1965, Scholarship!
Owen will be attending the University of Nebraska — Lincoln in the fall to major in film studies! He dreams of one day having a career in TV and film.
Owen said, “I would like to thank every staff member at Central who pushed me to succeed throughout my four years there. There were so many people who helped me along the way, and I am so lucky for all the guidance and motivation.”
Congrats, Owen!

Jailyn Haros Monrroy
Congratulations to Jailyn Haros Monrroy, who was awardedthe Henry Davis, CHS 1969, Scholarship!
Jailyn will be attending the Antelope Valley College in Lancaster, California for her first two years of college. She then plans to transfer to California State University in Los Angeles! She will major in Biochemistry for Forensic Science. “My goal is to be a forensic science technician as well as have other successful businesses. My father is in the business industry and he has taught me a lot!”
Jailyn said she loved the amount of school spirit and diversity at Central! “It was a school where I felt safe and enjoyed going because of how much people took their studies seriously and pushed each other to do better.”
Jailyn said she would like to thank Ms. Menten “for always pushing me forward. She was not only a helpful teacher, but a friend.” She would also like to thank Mr. Juarez “for all of the laughter and positivity!” To Mr. Storm and Mr. Smith, she said, “thank you for always encouraging me!”
Congratulations, Jailyn!

Christina Spomer
Congratulations to Christina Spomer, who was awarded the Robert Nelson, CHS 1963, Athlete of the Year Award!
Christina will be attending the University of South Dakota to major in Elementary and Special Education while competing on their D1 swim team! “I want to become a special education teacher at the elementary level to help open doors and make a more inclusive learning environment for kids with disabilities,” she said.
Christina said she really enjoyed her time at Central. “Central helped me fall in love with education and pushed me to be the best student I could. The school offered so many opportunities for me to challenge myself. Coach Berzins and Coach Smith also helped me find my dream college and open doors for my future in swimming!”
Christina said she would like to thank her swim coaches, as well as Dr. Elliott and Dr. Sand “for pushing me to my fullest potential and supporting me, even when things got tough. I have learned so much from both of them.”
Congratulations, Christina!

Killian Green
Congratulations to Killian Green, who was awarded the Seth Rich, CHS 2007, Scholarship!
Killian will be attending Florida State University this fall to study Political Science! He dreams of a career in politics and diplomacy.
Killian said his favorite thing about attending Central High School was the strong sense of community. He’d like to thank “all of my teachers for making me feel welcome and helping me throughout my time at Central.”
Congrats, Killian!

Noor Himdan
Congratulations to Noor Himdan, who was awarded the E. Frank Maycock, CHS 1948, Scholarship!
Noor will be attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha this fall, and will major in pre-mechanical engineering. She is interested in exploring aerospace and biomedical engineering. She said, “Regardless of if I end up designing aircrafts or prosthetics, my main goal is ensuring that my future profession involves assisting communities and individuals in need, however possible!”
Noor said she loved her time at Central, and is grateful for how the school provided so many opportunities for growth. “From doing clubs to participating in IB, these activities helped me cultivate my passions and meet new people.”
Noor would like to thank all of her teachers for encouraging her to do her best; especially Mr. Almeida, Ms. Andrus, and Mr. Kumar “for their mentorship and for making my experience at Central that much better!”
Congratulations, Noor!

Maeve Dineen
Congratulations to Maeve Dineen, who was awarded the Marvin Gilman, CHS 1953, Scholarship!
Maeve will be attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln this fall! She will be studying biochemistry and hopes to one day become a pharmaceutical scientist and participate in drug research and development.
“I loved the sense of community at Central,” said Maeve. “Whether it was through extracurriculars or school events, you were always able to meet someone new and feel welcome anywhere!”
Maeve said she’d like to thank all of her teachers “for being incredibly understanding, and for pushing me to grow into the person I am.” She’d like to especially shout out Mrs. Allen, Ms. Emanuel, Mr. Boyer, Ms. Mohr, and Ms. Saraka!
Congrats, Maeve!

Alexandria Schmidt
Congratulations to Alexandria Schmidt, who won the Thor, CHS 1924, and Kay Krogh English Prize!
Alexandria will be attending the University of Chicago this fall, and is planning to double major in biological sciences and comparative literature. She is pursuing a career in corporate law, with an anticipated emphasis on environmental protection.
“What I adored about going to Central,” she said, “was the cohort of caring and knowledgable teachers, and the diverse group of inquisitive and talented peers that simply cannot be found at any other school.” She said she loved the atmosphere at Central, and her involvement in the International Baccalaureate program helped prepare her to follow her dreams.
Alexandria would like to thank all of her teachers for providing invaluable lessons and enhancing her experiences as an IB Eagle learner. She’d especially like to thank Mrs. Andrus, Ms. Stasny, Dr. Sand, Mr. Berzins, Mr. Flanagan, Mr. Wilson, and “the one and only” Ms. Deniston-Reed. “These teachers were instrumental in developing my skills and facilitated my personal growth. I was lucky to have been taken in under their Eagle wings.”
Congratulations, Alexandria!

Arianna Chism
Congratulations to Arianna Chism, who was awarded Ruth Vodak Scholarship for the Woodmen of the World American History Award!
Arianna will be attending the University of Missouri at Kansas City to major in history. She’s not sure yet what her career will be, but she’s interested in doing lots of research into historical topics that interest her!
Arianna said, “the thing I loved about going to Central was the quality of the education I received. It was hard work, but I’m thankful for it!” She said she was able to prove to herself that she could take on challenges of more and more difficulty and do well!
Arianna said all of her teachers encouraged her to do my best work and she felt that they cared about her progress. She’d like to especially thank Mr. Wilson and Mr. Mickeliunas, “who always encouraged me to put my best effort into my projects. I truly enjoyed their classes and how they taught me. In the end, they helped me want to pursue history in college.”
Congratulations to our future historian, Arianna!

Willa Rauch
Congratulations to Willa Rauch, who was awarded the W. Edward Clark, CHS 1932, Scholarship!
Willa will be attending Metropolitan Community College this fall to knock out those general education classes without the big price tag! She will then transfer to a university of her choice to study music and composition! She said her dream career would be to one day become a professional songwriter.
Willa said her favorite thing about attending Central was the scope of opportunities presented to her. “Every club, every person opened a new door!” She would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Bouma, Mrs. Cowan, Mr. Mead, and Mrs. Mahoney “for always inspiring me, and for believing in me.”
Congratulations, Willa!

Tommie DeLeon
Congratulations to Tommie DeLeon, who was awarded the Jo Peterson Peace and Justice Scholarship!
Tommie will be attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha to major in Political Science and minor in Black Studies. She said her future profession will involve “advocating for legal reform and finding solutions to address generational poverty for the under-represented.” She says she thinks she will be headed to law school!
Tommie said that she felt extremely supported at Central. As a student who is in the foster care system, she said the school counselors and social workers really looked out for her. “I’d like to thank Dawnna Hill, who was my social worker. She made me feel comfortable, safe, and supported. She also helped me learn to communicate to my teachers what I needed.”
Tommie would also like to thank her sophomore English teacher, Ms. Wiksell. “I remember her because she had me during a very challenging year in the foster care system. She created a space for me to really express myself and I appreciated that.”
Congratulations, Tommie!

Mohamed Thant Zin
Congratulations to Mohamed Thant Zin, who won the Jo Peterson Peace and Justice Scholarship!
Mohamed will be attending the University of Nebraska at Omaha to study criminal justice. He dreams of one day becoming a police chief. “It was my dream since I was a little kid because I want to protect and serve the community!”
Mohamed said the best thing about going to Central was that it was so diverse. “I get to meet and get to know people from all around the world. They are like a family!” He also said that Central was a fun place to go to school because everyone was so friendly.
Mohamed said, “I would like to thank all of the teachers for teaching me and preparing me for college. It was a pleasure to meet all of my teachers, learn from them, and I am grateful because they gave me lots of opportunity! Central has the best teachers!”
Congratulations, Mohamed!

Claire Bouma
Congratulations to Claire Bouma, who was awarded the G.E. “Doc” Moller Scholarship!
Claire will be going to St. Olaf College in North Field, Minnesota this fall! She will be studying music education with a concentration in dance. Claire said, “I would love to be an elementary music teacher and a dance teacher!”
Claire said she loved all her teachers at Central, and she loved all her friends, who helped her get through classes. She said, “I would like to thank Sara Cowan and Kelsey Baldridge for giving me the extra push I needed to be able to go to my dream school!”
Congratulations, Claire!

Emily Engel
Congratulations to Emily Engel, who was awarded the Paul Jepsen, CHS 1929, Scholarship!
Emily will be attending the University of Washington in Seattle this fall. She will be majoring in neuroscience pre-med with the hopes of one day working in the medical field either as a neurologist or a researcher.
Emily said she loved the opportunities that Central provided her, which allowed her to explore new interests, both academically and personally. “At Central I always felt supported and challenged!” Emily would like to thank Ms. Andrus and all of her IB teachers who “supported me as a student and challenged me as a learner.”
Congratulations, Emily!

Alec Weedman
Congratulations to Alec Weedman, who was awarded the Frank Knapple Scholarship!
Alec will be attending the Illinois Institute of Technology this fall. He will be majoring in aerospace engineering. “I would like to work with NASA to design and create new forms of transportation both on a earth and through space!”
Alec said, “I loved going to Central because it was a very welcoming environment for everyone and there is plenty of opportunity for success!” He would like to thank Mr. Ringlein, Mr. Kumar, Mrs. Anderson, and Mr. Hamel for “all of their great wisdom, knowledge of particular subjects, and their great humor during and outside of class!”
Congratulations, Alec!

Nyapuka Jock
Congratulations to Nyapuka Jock, who was awarded the Ned Sariscsany, CHS 2005, Scholarship!
Nyapuka will be attending Metropolitan Community College this fall! She will be taking general education courses to prepare for a transfer to a four-year university, where she is eager to study medicine! She has dreams of becoming a nurse one day.
Nyapuka said she loved attending Central, and especially loved that Central had “a lot of different people from different backgrounds.” She would like to thank all of her English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers, who helped her achieve success in high school. “I’d especially like to thank Ms. Omar for always believing in me and helping me through my senior year of high school.”
Congratulations, Nyapuka!

Mackenzie Coughlin
CONGRATULATIONS to Mackenzie Coughlin, who was awarded the DeEmmett Bradshaw Zerbe, CHS 1943, and Mason Speltz Zerbe, CHS 1948, Central High School 2021 Female Student of the Year Scholarship!
Mackenzie will be attending the University of Nebraska at Kearney this fall, majoring in Elementary Education. She said, “I plan to receive a teaching endorsement in Special Education. I want to become a teacher because I love working with children and want to help them grow and succeed.”
Mackenzie said she loved being on the dance team at Central and creating so many great memories at games, performances, practices, and competitions. “I was and always will be proud of getting to represent such an inclusive and community-based school like Central. I would like to thank Ms. Beitel, Mrs. Blayney, and Mrs. Omar for being amazing teachers and role models!”
Congratulations to our Student of the Year!

Mac DePriest
CONGRATULATIONS to Mac DePriest, who was awarded the DeEmmett Bradshaw Zerbe, CHS 1943, and Mason Speltz Zerbe, CHS 1948, Central High School 2021 Male Student of the Year Scholarship!
Mac will be attending the University of Nebraska at Lincoln to study pure mathematics. “I’d like to conduct groundbreaking research as a mathematician or a logician,” he said. “I was first introduced to the power of math when, assisted by Dr. Sand, I proved an equation for the arc length of any differentiable function, a concept I once thought about years before. Since then, I’ve become more engrossed in the world of mathematics. Dr. Sand has been there to help and encourage me the entire time.”
Mac said, “Central is an amazing place, but it stands on the shoulders of the teachers. The passion and encouragement which flourishes amongst the faculty has made me the inquisitive and passionate scholar I am today. Namely, I’d like to thank Dr. Sand, Dr. Elliot, Mr. Hamill, Ms. Wiksell, and Mr. Mick. I’d also like to thank the swim coaches, Mr. Smith and and Mr. Berzins, for showing me what I can accomplish with hard work and good people.”
Congratulations to our Student of the Year!