Project Proposal
To update the Central High School varsity weight room with new equipment to better prepare student athletes for the field!
“Updates to the varsity weight room was thanks to the generous donation of Nelson and Linda Kavich Gordman, CHS 1958! The Central High School Foundation and the Physical Education Department at Central leaned on the expertise of David Kutler (CHS, 1972), President and Owner of Omaha’s Body Basics Fitness Equipment, to design and provide state-of-the-art upgrades which include: a new highly specialized performance flooring (18 mm rubberized floor); a speed and agility turf available for sprinting, sled pushes and other conditioning work; five-four station weight racks that have the ability to allow twenty athletes workout at the same time; two weight sleds; eighteen exercise benches; dumbbells and dumbbell racks (5 lbs. to 75 lbs.); two Dip stations; bar rotation attachments; and reverse bar hook attachments.”
Michele Roberts, Executive Director
Students Impacted
More than 300 students from various CHS athletic teams.
Commitment to Closing the Opportunity Gap
The updates to the varsity weight room allows students to train to the best of their ability so they may compete against the best athletes in the state in their respective sports. A state-of-the-art training facility allows our Eagles to enter competitions on an equal footing as student athletes from other schools.
Translation to College and Career Readiness
A state-of-the-art training facility allows students who want to pursue collegiate or professional athletics the chance to do so. The varsity weight room is important to the preparation students put into their athletic development and improvement of their performance.