Project Proposal
The goal of The Auberge is to “create an immersion experience of language and culture that motivates participants to be life long learners and responsible citizens in a global community.” The target language will be used exclusively by staff and active participation by the students is encouraged.
Amount Funded
Students Impacted
Approximately 15 students currently, with more anticipated in the years to come as enthusiasm among students continues to increase enrollment in French courses.
Commitment to Closing the Opportunity Gap
Many of our students do not have the opportunity to see how they can effectively use their acquired language skills outside of the school environment. Others may never get to travel to the places where the target language is spoken. Funds from the CHS Foundation cover the costs associated with this event. The cost has deterred many students from attending in the past; however, with the generous support of the Foundation, any French student who was interested in the experience was able to attend.
Translation to College and Career Readiness
As a responsible educational institution, the teachers at CHS focus on creating responsible global citizens. This requires students to be multilingual and multicultural. Business and travel necessitate that students have experiential learning opportunities like these to prepare them for success in their future careers.