In 1962 and 1963, while competing for UNO, Roger W. Sayers won consecutive NAIA championships in the 100 meters while also winning the 200 meter championship in1963. In 1962, Roger was selected as a member of the United States Track Team, competing in dual meets against both Poland and the Soviet Union. While a student at Central, Roger set records in track and was selected to the All-City Football Team. Roger has been inducted into the University of Nebraska at Omaha Hall of Fame, the Nebraska Black Sports Hall of Fame, the Omaha Sports Hall of Fame, and the Nebraska High School Sports Hall of Fame. Roger’s business achievements include a 26 year career with the Union Pacific Railroad, and he also served the City of Omaha as its Director of Human Relations. Roger’s community service activities have included Board President of both the La Fern Williams Stage Theatre and the Urban League of Nebraska, Nebraska Coordinator of the United Negro College Fund, and member of the Board of Directors of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Nebraska. Roger was also twice selected as a recipient of an Outstanding Young Omahan Award. Roger has continued his community service as a trustee of Salem Baptist Church.