Randolph Scott graduated from Central in 1965. Beyond athletics, he was a member of the concert choir, Art club, Latin club, and the debate team. Upon graduation, Randolph joined the army, serving three years in Europe and in the United States and then enrolled in the University of Nebraska, graduating in 1976 with a degree in psychology. He served as a crisis counselor for Lancaster County and as program director for Lancaster County Corrections. Serving as well in the Nebraska Air National Guard for thirty-eight years, he rose through the officer corps from lieutenant, through captain, lieutenant colonel, and full colonel, to Brigadier General — the first minority person to do so. He has directed affirmative action programs at Offutt Air Force Base, has served as an adjunct instructor in human resources management and equal opportunity and diversity management, and as Director of Human Resources for Girls and Boys Town. Besides his membership in a local chapter of the Tuskegee Airman, General Scott serves on two minority breast cancer boards, the SAC Federal Credit Union Financial Budget Committee, the Metro Community College Human Relations Board, and is a member of the National Notary Association and the Society of Human Resource Management.