The establishment of the Central High School Foundation, Alumni Association, and the Hall of Fame can be attributed directly to the legal work, persistence, and dedication of attorney Mike Gottschalk. It was Mike who led the negotiations with the OPS superintendent and provided the legal work with the OPS School Board, allowing for the approval of the transfer of scholarship funds from the school district to the CHS Foundation, a foundation that was established and acquired 501c3 status also through the Mike’s expert legal work. The intent of the transfer of funds, beyond providing scholarship support, included the hope that the funds collected could, at some point, also be used to address the needs of CHS students and to recognize outstanding students and faculty members. This hope has indeed come to fruition, and the CHS Foundation now oversees the awarding of scholarship funds and provides other financial support, if requested and approved, for additional CHS needs. For these reasons, the CHS community is indebted to Mike for his work in helping to establish the CHS Foundation which continues to grow and to provide support for both scholarships and other CHS initiatives.