Louis J. Rotella, Sr. was named the Nebraka Restaurant Association Purveyor of the Year in 1999 for guiding the growth of Rotella’s Bakery to its current national recognition. At Central, he was captain of the wrestling team and went on to become a state and Midwest A AU champion. For his help to young wrestlers at Omaha’s Ryan High and University of Nebraska at Omaha, he was inducted into Nebraska’s Wrestling Coach Hall of Fame. For his leadership and involvement in many Omaha business and civic oragnizations, he has received serveral awards such as American Italian of the Year, Honorary President of Santa Lucia, and Citizen of Merit from the City of LaVista. Since returing from Europe in 1947 where he served as a U.S. Army Platoon Leader, he has worked continuously directing Rotella’s Bakery.
Louis passed away in 2009 at the age of 82.