An outstanding athlete and member of the Crack Squad, Central’s prestigious military drill team, Lee Seemann enrolled in Santa Clara University after high school. While in college, Mr. Seemann was elected President of his senior class, played football and participated in ROTC. After his 1942 college graduation, Mr. Seemann went directly into the U.S. Air Force, where he became a B-17 pilot during WWII. Captain Seemann and his crew flew 33 combat missions over Europe. Capt. Seemann was awarded the Silver Star, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, five Air Medals, the Purple Heart, the 96th Bomb Group Citation Medal and the Russian Citation Medal. After the war, he returned home to Omaha and remained in the Air Force, attending the Army’s prestigious Command and General Staff School. In 1947, he married Willa Davis (CHS Class of 1943). He began his career with the International Harvester Company and eventually began his own trucking business. Lee and Willa Seemann have supported many charities over the years, including a significant contribution to support Central’s new stadium which bore their name.
Lee passed away in 2015 at the age of 95.