Kate McHugh was the “first lady” of Central in many respects. She was the first, and only, female principal of Central in its 151 year history, serving from 1911-1914, completing a 40 year career in education when she retired. As CHS principal, she established the first student council, recognized debate as a class, awarded the first letter in debate, hired the first experienced debate coach and built the first CHS courtyard. She was elected the first female President of the Nebraska State Teacher’s Association, one of the state’s most prestigious and powerful organizations. Prior to becoming principal at Central, she was an English teacher, English Department Head and assistant principal. She was identified in the yearbook as being the “most popular teacher, having a charm of manner and gift of expression.” At a ceremony honoring her for her work, she stated that “the teacher’s duty is not merely the graduating of boys and girls, but fashioning of human souls.”
Kate passed away, year unknown.