Recognition ofexcellence by one’s peers in one’s chosen profession is the ultimate recognition of achievement in a career and in life. Jerry Bartee’s career has included successful positions with Creighton University as its head baseball coach and with the Omaha Public Schools as a teacher at Nathan Hale Middle School, assistant principal and principal at South High School, and as the Assistant Superintendent for Business Services for the district. In all of these positions, Jerry has been recognized by his colleagues both for his leadership and for his compassion. In their words he is “loyal, creative, hard working, dependable, and enthusiastic.” He is “a person who sets high standards for himself and for those around him, but was patient, kind, and firm when he worked with individual students.” He was able “to get staff and student to try harder. In tough times he is the person you want beside you – a sensitive, caring, strong personality.” Jerry’s role as assistant superintendent carries the responsibility for preparing and monitoring a multi-million dollar budget that provides funds that support a great share of the school district’s everyday needs and future planning, including funding for building maintenance and supplies, curriculum materials, facilities construction, nutrition services, transportation, school planning, district security, and other areas. Throughout his personal life and in his educational career, Jerry has been “a decisive leader who inspires distinguished performance and motivates others to do their best.” He will always be known as “a person who believed that every child was to be valued and had the right to a quality education.”