Gerald Hoberman, retired president of Tires, Inc., founded the Winners Circle Educational Program at Belevedere Elementary School in 1995. Patterned after a program that existed in his business, this school program provides positive reinforcement for academic and citizenship growth. Children at Belvedere, Mount View, King, Saratoga, and Conestoga elementary schools show steady improvement in both areas, and parental involvement has increased dramatically. Hoberman has also been active in other areas of the community, serving the boards of the Urban League, United Way of the Midlands, Jewish Federation of Omaha, Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Anti-Defamation League, Rose Blumkin Home, Goodfellows, and the National Conference of Community and Justice. He as received humanitarian and community service awards from many organizations. Hoberman and his wife, Cookie Epstein, CHS 1961, continue to support and expand their innovative program for inner-city schools.