As one of Omaha’s best known general and vascular surgeons, Zweiback has mended many hearts and shown a big one outside the operating room through his charitable endeavors. Zweiback earned his “Speedy” nickname as an athlete at Central before going on to Princeton University and then received a medical degree from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Military service followed and Major Zweiback served as chief of surgery at the Air Force Academy Hospital in Colorado Springs. Following a post graduate vascular fellowship under world renowned heart surgeon Michael De Bakey, he returned to his native Omaha. His primary practice was at Clarkson Hospital, but he practiced throughout the city including two years as president of the Midlands Hospital staff. He also served as president of the Metropolitan Omaha Medical Society and spent three decades as a surgical instructor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Charitable work has included volunteering to provide medical services for the indigent in both Phoenix and Omaha. He has served on the boards of Special Olympics, University of Nebraska Internal Review Board and the Jewish Community Center.