Following the completion of his undergraduate studies at Bishop College and his graduate studies at Perkins Theological Seminary and, ultimately completing his M.A. and Doctor of Ministry Degree at Faith Theological Seminary, Dr. Melvin Wade Sr. served in churches in both Dallas and Houston, and since 1975, he has served as Senior Pastor of the Mt. Moriah Baptist Church in Los Angeles. As Senior Pastor, Dr. Wade has worked to end gang violence and, at the same time, he helped with the community’s successful proposal to receive a 4.5 million dollar grant to build a 40 unit apartment complex for his community’s senior citizens. He has also been the President of the National Missionary Baptist Convention, and he has served on the Board of the World Baptist Alliance Executive Council, a role which has allowed him to address world issues. In addition to these accomplishments, Dr. Wade is an accomplished author and gospel music vocalist and composer, and with the help of Wade family, he has shown great strength in being a Leukemia survivor.