Dee Owen is a native Omahan whose leadership in community service is legendary. Her varied interests are represented in the numerous boards she has served: Omaha Junior Theater, Planned Parenthood, Society for Crippled Children, PTA, Uta Halle, Omaha Symphony, Meyer Therapy Center, Clarkson Hospital, Camp Fire Girls, Children’s Museum, Quality Living, Henry Doorly Zoo, Nebraska Humane Society, and Opera Omaha. Owen charied the Ak-Sar-Ben Women’s Ball Committee in 1963 and was selected for the Court of Honor in 2001. The National Society of Fund Raising Executives named Owen and her late husband, Edward, Philanthropists of the Year in 1989. The Junior League of Omaha, Iowa State University, Pi Beta Phi, Nebraska Prevent Blindness Society, and the YWCA have honored her for outstanding service. She continues to be active in the community with the Playhouse, Goodwill Industries, General Crook House, St. Joseph’s Hospital, and Salvation Army.
Dee passed away in 2018 at the age of 99.