Pictured Above: 1924 Cadet Formation
In Honor of Those Who Served
In Memory of Those Who Died
Bittinger, Howard
World War I
Crandall, Marion
World War I
Brock, Herbert
World War I
Davidson, Dean
World War I
Fearn, Harry
World War I
Hatch, Kenneth E.
World War I
Hatz, Herbert W.
World War I
Howell, Arthur Brandon
World War I
Howell, Guy
World War I
Hughes, Russell G.
World War I
Kelley, Harold C.
World War I
Kissane, Richard J.
World War I
March, Peyton C.
World War I
Offutt, Jarvis J.
World War I
Page, Richard
World War I
Peterson, William B.
World War I
Sackett, Bryan
World War I
Shellington, Waldo E.
World War I
Staley, Chatfield C.
World War I
Stovel, Elmer S.
World War I
Stuehrk, Ernest
World War I
Weeks, Egbert
World War I
Wood, Ellsworth C.
World War I
Ambrose, Staff Sgt. Emil F.
World War II
ASN 37468918, 235th Bomber Group, 8th Air Force. Shot down in a B17 over Hengelo, Holland, January 30, 1944. Buried in West Lawn Cemetery in Omaha.
Barber, 1st Lt. Charles E.
World War II
072575, USAF. Shot down by Japanese fighters over Wewak, New Guinea, September 2, 1943
Bealer, Pvt. Frank
World War II
ASN 37751416, 275th Infantry Regt. Killed near Zingzing, France, February 24, 1945.
Beem, 2nd Lt. Gerald
World War II
Crashed in his Flying Fortress over Musselshell, Montana, December 8, 1942.
Bernstein, PFC Melvin
World War II
Co.G, 87th Mountain Infantry Regt. Killed April 22, 1945, near Bemporto, Italy. Buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Omaha.
Boker, 2nd Lt. Victor
World War II
USAF. Killed October 8, 1944, in a training accident near Nadzab, New Guinea.
Bordy, 1st Lt. Harold
World War II
ASN 074002, 93rd Fighter Squadron, 81st Bomber Group. Killed when his P47 exploded at Gushkara AAF Base, Bengal, India, October 6, 1945. Buried in California.
Brookman, 1st Lt.William M.
World War II
Member of advanced flying school, Bradley Field, CT. Killed in training flight June 25, 1944.
Brown, 1st Lt. Richard C.
World War II
0727161, 67th Bomber Squadron, 8th Air Force. Killed March 22, 1943, after his B24 was shot down near
Helgoland, Germany as he parachuted into heavy seas.
Burkett, 2nd Lt. Jack V.
World War II
Member of 82nd Bomber Squadron, 12th Bomber Group. Killed July 20, 1943, near Palel, India.
Christie, Cpl. Bill Burton
World War II
33045025, 1st Calvary Division. Killed at San Jose, Leyete, Philippine Islands October 21, 1944. Buried in West Lawn Cemetery, Omaha.
Chuda, Pfc. Jack R.
World War II
ASN 371585, 4th Marine Division. Buried inWest Lawn Cemetery, Omaha.
Cottingham, Pfc. John P.
World War II
17148826, ASTP replacement, H.Q. Company, 1 st Bn, 289th Infantry, 75th Division. Killed April 25, 1945 at Gevelsburg, Germany.
Culver, Capt. Howard
World War II
PT instructor. Died in car crash en route to Colorado Springs, Colorado, November 24, 1942.
Devereaux, Lt.William S.
World War II
Naval intelligence officer. Killed in a crash over Solomon Islands, August 5, 1943.
Dimke, 2nd Lt. George R.
World War II
01317895, member 2nd Infantry Regt, 5th Division. Killed November 10, 1944 near Pont a. Mosson, France.
Dworak, Ensign Lloyd A.
World War II
Killed in a crash of his navy fighter during a training flight at Vero Beach, Florida, January 6, 1945.
Enochson, Kenneth D.
World War II
2nd Lt. Enochson was training as a Marine aviator with the 9th Marine Air Wing when he died in plane crash in Columbia, S.C. on Sept. 11, 1945.
Ferryman, 2nd Lt. Lee D.
World War II
Co-pilot of an 8th Air Force Bomber. Killed in a raid on Muenster, Germany, March 9, 1945.
Forcade, Richard A.
World War II
Pilot Instructor. Killed in a crash at Thunderbird Field, Arizona, December 30, 1943.
Frudenfeld, Seaman 1st Class Monte
World War II
Killed December 30, 1944 near Mindoro, Philippines, when a Japanese kamikaze plane hit his ship in the U.S.S. Orestes.
Giangreco, 2nd Lt. John M.
World War II
02007589, 394th Bomber Squadron, 5th Bomber Group, 13th Air Force. Killed when his B24 bomber collided with another American bomber near Morotai, New Guinea, April 30, 1945.
Gilmore, Staff Sgt. Richard E.
World War II
37471611. Sgt. Gilmore was a radio operator-gunner on a B17 flying out of Italy over Germany. His plane was shot down March 22, 1945, over Oschatz, Germany, and the crew bailed. Sgt. Gilmore was wounded but landed safely and was killed by German civilians before German soldiers arrived to capture the rest of his companions. He is buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Omaha.
Goldstein, 2nd Lt. Harry
World War II
05487123, Co. C, 2nd Infantry Regt, 5th Division. Killed February 18, 1945 near Schwankweiller, Germany.
Grabow, 1st Lt. Richard
World War II
04105441, Member of 509th Parachute Infantry Bn. Killed while leaving the cover of a ditch during a daylight attack over open terrain near Carano, Italy, on the Anzio Beachhead. Buried in American Military Cemetery at Nettuno, Italy.
Green, Pfc. Clark O.
World War II
Co. K, 132nd Infantry Regt. Killed September 26, 1943 in Bouganville, Solomon Islands.
Greenough, Richard
World War II
No available information.
Griffith, 2nd Lt. Paul W.
World War II
01290326, Co. K, 143rd Infantry, 36th Division. Killed February 11, 1945, near Castellone, Italy. Buried in Italy.
Grove, Pfc. Norman Allen
World War II
535081. Enlisted in the Marine Corps from Northwestern University in 1943 and was part of the 5th Marine Division invasion of Iwo Jima on February 18, 1944. On March 2nd while walking the point during a mopping up operation he was killed by a Japanese sniper. He is buried in Omaha.
Hansen, Capt. Donald D.
World War II
025082, Member of the 898th Fighter Squadron, 809th Fighter Group. Died near Myitkyina, Burma. Buried in Millard.
Harrison, 1st Lt. Charles K.
World War II
01012834, 2nd Replacement Depot. Killed January 31, 1944 at Cassino, Italy.
Herrell, Pfc. George R.
World War II
37699107, 60th AIB, 9th Armored Division. Killed March 31, 1945 near Fritzlar, Germany. Buried in Margraten Cemetery, Netherlands.
Hickey, 2nd Lt. John H.
World War II
No available information.
Horan Jr., Capt. Philip E.
World War II
ASN 024752, Co. I, 414th Infantry Regt, 104th Division. Killed April 14, 1945 near Halle, Germany. Buried in Margraten Cemetery, Netherlands.
Humphreys, Capt. Howard
World War II
ASN 0386259, Infantry Officer. In beleaguered status from December 8, 1941 to May 7, 1942 (Bataan-Corregidor campaign), reported missing May 7, 1942 and reported held by Japanese as POW May 7, 1943. Died April 21, 1945, in Fukuoka POWCamp #3, Japan, of sickness. Buried in Manila, Philippines.
Jackson, Pfc. Lewis W.
World War II
37112476, AT Company, 19th Infantry Regt. Died December 27, 1944 of a non-battle accident at Mindoro, Philippines. Buried in Ft. McKinley Cemetery, Manila, Philippines.
Jorgensen, 1st Lt. Eugene
World War II
Missing in action near Ft. McKinley, Philippines, August 1942.
Kasal, Sgt. Robert
World War II
17040532, 54th Troop Carrier Squadron. Died July 27, 1943, in a plane crash at Naknek, Alaska. Buried in Omaha.
Klein, Pvt. Sam
World War II
17148855, Co. B, 337th Infantry Regt. Killed August 21, 1944, near Via Scala, Italy. Buried in Golden Hill
Cemetery in Omaha.
Kriss, James L.
World War II
No available information.
Larson, W. Donald
World War II
No available information.
Ludacka Jr., John
World War II
Bombadier-Observer. Disappeared in a B-29 plane in February 1947
Lynch, Pvt. John
World War II
ASN 37461938, Co. B, 302nd Infantry Regt. Killed November 4, 1944 near Luwan, Leyte, Philippines. Buried in Manila.
Magzamin, Herschel
World War II
Died of wounds June 8, 1945.
Marcum, 2nd Lt. Robert F.
World War II
0698312, 751st Bomber Squadron, 457th Bomber Group. Killed over Eberswalde, Germany, September 12, 1944. Buried in Neuville en Condroz, Belgium.
Marcus, 2nd Lt. Jerome L.
World War II
01323793, 231st Replacement Company, 38th Replacement Bn. Died October 3, 1944 at Nancy, France. Buried in Golden Hill Cemetery in Omaha.
MacAlister, Bruce
World War II
No available information.
McCartney, 2nd Lt. Sumner
World War II
071132, Member of 791st Bomber Squadron, 467th Bomber Group. Killed during a raid over Hamburg, Germany, August 6, 1944. Buried in Elmira, New York.
McKenna Jr., 2nd Lt. Harold T.
World War II
01032101, 17th Calvary Reconnaissance Squadron. Killed September 3, 1944, at Brest, France. Buried in Hillcrest Cemetery, Omaha.
Meyer, 1st Lt. Jack
World War II
Died non-battle injuries.
Milder, 1st Lt. Harlan
World War II
01284366, H.Q. Co., 183rd Infantry Regt. Killed March 21, 1945 near Zamboanga, Philippines. Buried in Golden Hill Cemetery, Omaha.
Milliken, 2nd Lt. James W.
World War II
A bombardier in the USAF, he was lost in an over-water flight from Langley Field, Virginia, April 24, 1943.
Moose, 2nd Lt. Robert A.
World War II
8th Fighter Squadron, 49th Fighter Group. Killed in an air accident over Port Moresby, New Guinea, April 3, 1943.
Nelson, Robert
World War II
Hospital Apprentice. 31732288. Died of disease October 3, 1943 in Hawaii. Buried in Pearl Harbor Cemetery.
Nestor, Ensign Charles E.
World War II
Lost in a navy training flight over Puget Sound, Washington, in September 1943.
Nourse, 2nd Lt. Robert W.
World War II
0405267. Died as a POW on a Japanese ship sunk by American fire January 9, 1945. Had been MIA since May 7, 1942 (Fall of Corregidor) and was reported held by Japanese on May 24, 1943.
Osborn, Sgt. Jack E.
World War II
17129625, 306th Bomber Group. Killed February 22, 1944 in plane crash near Kirchen, Germany. Buried at Margraten Cemetery, Netherlands.
Pehle, 1st Lt. Richard C.
World War II
Co.G, 45th Division. Killed October 24, 1944 near Mortagne, France. Buried at Epinal, France.
Pound, 2nd Lt. Donald J.
World War II
ASN 0549401, Co.E, 386th Infantry, 97th Division. Killed April 30, 1945, near Bohuslav, Czechoslovakia. Buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Omaha.
Putnam, 1st Sgt. Robert H.
World War II
20721012, H.Q., 2nd Bn, 134th Infantry. Died August 8, 1944 or alternate date July 17, 1944 near La Cambe, France, of wounds received in action. POW? Buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Omaha.
Randall, Albert E.
World War II
No available information.
Reichstadt, 2nd Lt. Robert
World War II
Died of non-battle wounds.
Reynolds, 1st Lt. Donald F.
World War II
0387620, Col., 15th Infantry Regt, 3rd Division. Killed February 29, 1944 near Cisterna de Littoria, Italy. Buried in Tyndall, South Dakota.
Rimmerman, Ben
World War II
No available information.
Rips, Pfc. Leonard
World War II
17130978, Co. F, 141st Infantry Regt., 36th Division. Killed near Lepanges, France, October 8, 1944. Buried in Epinal, France.
Roessig Jr., 2nd Lt. Walter
World War II
02069758, 60th Bomber Squadron, 39th Bomber Group, 20th Air Force. Killed May 26, 1945 during a mission over Tokyo. Buried in Hillcrest Cemetery in Omaha.
Rosewater Jr., 1st Lt. Stanley MacAlvay
World War II
01112404, Corps of Engineers. Killed January 7, 1946, in Passau, Germany, in a house fire. Buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Omaha.
Sacco, Pfc. Ignatius N.
World War II
39139675, 357th Infantry Regt. Died of wounds received in action near Blosville, France, May 19, 1945.
Shotwell, Capt. Gordon
World War II
0343939, 507th Parachute Infantry. Killed March 24, 1945 atWe sel, Germany. Buried at Margraten Cemetery, Netherlands. Class of 1932.
Stryker, Pfc. James Baume
World War II
11092645, Co. K, 116th Infantry Regt, 29th Division. Enlisted out of Yale summer of 1943, and was overseas by December 1943. He landed Omaha Beach D-Day, and was wounded at St. Lo. Stryker was hospitalized in England for a month before rejoining his outfit at the Siegfried Line, near Julich, Germany. He was killed in a minefield outside Gut Hazenfeld, December 5, 1944. Buried in Margraten Cemetery, Netherlands.
Sutphen. Capt. Frank E.
World War II
Died non-battle injuries.
Swanson, Major Stanley A.
World War II
0262815, 127th Reinforcement Bn, Army Air Corps. Died at Heidelberg, Germany, May 13, 1945. Buried at St. Avold, France.
Towey, 1st Lt. Michael
World War II
01315875, 2nd Infantry Regt, 5th Division. Killed March 24, 1945, at Mainz, Germany. Buried at St. Avold, France.
Truscott, Capt. Albert
World War II
222nd Infantry, 42nd Division. Died of wounds in Germany, April 22, 1945. Buried in Seattle.
Wales, 1st Lt. George L.
World War II
Died non-battle injuries.
Weekes Jr., Staff Sgt. Ernest
World War II
17098490. Member of an aircraft which crashed off the island of Bornhom, Denmark, April 11, 1944. One survivor parachuted and was rescued by a German PT boat.
Wellman, 2nd Lt. Robert H.
World War II
0729684. Member of a crew of a 1B24 which crashed near Johnston Island in the Pacific on March 28, 1943.
Wilson, 1st Lt. Kenneth L.
World War II
039823, Infantry officer. Killed near Mabatang (Bataan), Philippines, January 12, 1942.
Yergey, 1st Lt. Stanley A.
World War II
Air force. His B24 bomber was shot down over Hanover, Germany on November 26, 1944. Buried in the Santa Fe Military Cemetery.
Johnson, S1C Arthur Francis
World War II
Serving aboard the Frederick C. Davis during Operation Tear Drop.
Lapidus, Earl LT
World War II
Died in the South Pacific on April 8, 1945.
Anderson, First Lt. Gerald Phillips
Korean Conflict
SN 041115, C Co AMPH TRAC BN 1 AMPH TRAC BN 1 MAR Div, Marines.
Born October 22, 1922
Killed in Action November 7, 1950
Clegg, CPL Edward L.
Korean Conflict
RA 17148968, 5th CAV REGT (INF) -1st CAV, Army.
Born November 14, 1925
Killed in Action September 12, 1950
Dougherty Jr., PFC Vincent Paul
Korean Conflict
SN 1065799, C Co 1 BN MAR RGT 1 MAR Div, Marines.
Born February 4, 1932
Killed in Action May 22, 1952
Goll, PFC William Robert
Korean Conflict
SN 1065780, WPNS Co 1 BN 5 MAR RGT 1 MAR Div, Marines.
Killed in Action June 2, 1951
Logan, SGT Edward N.
Korean Conflict
RA 37818431, 65th ENGR C BN – 25th INF Div, Army. Enlisted September 14, 1950.
Born October 9, 1932
Killed in Action June 8, 1952
McGrew, MSGT James R.
Korean Conflict
RA 06575834, 2nd ENGR C BN – 2nd INF Div, Army.
Died while captured, November 30, 1950
Minikus, PFC Edward W.
Korean Conflict
US 55010035, 7th INF REGT – 3rd INF Div, Army.
Born July 24, 1927
Died while missing on December 3, 1950
Rosenblatt, PFC Norman Meyer
Korean Conflict
SN 651166, 1 Co 3 BN 5 MAR RGT 1 MAR Div, Marines.
Born February 25, 1932
Killed in Action September 26, 1950
Smith, CPL Myron James (Bud)
Korean Conflict
SN 1084719, ANGLICO BN 1 ANGLICO 1 MAR Div, Marines.
Born November 14, 1929
Died while missing November 30, 1950
Swanson, First Lt. William
Korean Conflict
SN 047409, 1 Co 3BN 1MAR RGT, 1MAR Div.
Born February 24, 1924
Roark, William M.
Vietnam War
Age 26. Lt. U.S. Naval aviator attached to carrier Coral Sea. Killed in air mission over Vietnam April 7, 1965. 1960 graduate of Annapolis. Married with three children. Awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal, the Purple Heart, the Vietnam Gallantry Cross with palms, the Vietnam Campaign Medal, first class color with palm, the Vietnam Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, and Vietnam’s National Order Medal. Naval Destroyer escort ship, the USS Roark, named in his honor.
Pinegar, William D.
Vietnam War
Age 23. PFC US Army, 1st Cavalry Division. Killed in a Viet Cong attack October 6, 1965. Time in Vietnam – about one month. Awarded the Purple Heart, the Vietnam Military Merit Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, Gallantry Cross with palm, Gold Star Citation.
Gerry, Ronald L.
Vietnam War
Age 21. PFC US Army, 69th Signal Battalion. Killed in Vietnam January 5, 1966. Time in Vietnam – 16 days. Awarded the Vietnam Service Medal, the Purple Heart, the Vietnam Military Merit Medal, 69th Signal Battalion containment area designated Camp Gerry in his honor.
Lambooy, John
Vietnam War
Killed in combat on September 19, 1969.
Sanders, Mack R.
Vietnam War
Age 25. PFC US Army, 25th Infantry Division. Shot by sniper May 12, 1966. Married with two sons and two daughters. Time in Vietnam – three weeks. Awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Vietnam Gallantry Cross with palm, the Vietnam Military Merit Medal.
Sandstedt, Daniel J.
Vietnam War
Age 21. Sgt. US Army, 9th Division. Killed in combat June 19, 1967. Attended Creighton University. Time in Vietnam – six months. Awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Vietnam Campaign Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, and the Combat Infantryman Badge.
Neibur, Edward L.
Vietnam War
Age 24. Navy 2nd Class Hospital Man serving with the Marines. Killed during the Battle of Khe Sang in the Quang Tri Province February 27, 1968. He graduated from Omaha Tech High with a nursing minor after attending Central for three years. He was married with one son when killed; a second son was born after his death. He was awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Vietnam Service Medal, and Vietnam Campaign Medal.
Maxwell, Jr., Samuel C.
Vietnam War
Age 41. Colonel, U. S. Air Force, F-105D Pilot. Missing in Action in combat over North Vietnam September 12, 1968. Remains returned to the USA June 21, 1989. He was a Captain when shot down and was promoted to Colonel while Missing In Action. His sister Dorothy Maxwell Hushes was also in the class of 1947. Awarded two Distinguished Flying Crosses, 13 Air Medals, Purple Heart, Vietnam Service Medal, and Vietnam Campaign Medal.
Ross, Milton A.
Vietnam War
Age 20. PFC US Army. Killed in action February 9, 1969. Time in Vietnam – one month. Awarded the Bronze Star, one Oak Leaf Cluster, Purple Heart, Combat Infantryman Badge, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Campaign Ribbon.
Utts, William W.
Vietnam War
Age 26. PFC US Army, Americal Division. Died of combat wounds March 19, 1969. Graduate of the University of Omaha. Time in Vietnam – four months. Awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, Combat Infantryman Badge, Vietnam Service Medal, the Vietnam Campaign Medal with 60 device, the Vietnam Military Merit Medal, and the Vietnam Gallantry Cross with palm.
Spencer III, Frank
Vietnam War
Age 20. Cpl. US Army, Americal Division. Killed in combat in Vietnam January 23, 1970. Time in Vietnam – two months. Awarded the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star with Valor, the Vietnam Campaign Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal with one bronze Service Star, the Vietnam Gallantry Cross with palm, and the Combat Infantryman Badge.
Hansen, Robert G.
Vietnam War
Age 24. S/Sgt. US Army. Killed in action August 7, 1970. Attended University of Nebraska at Omaha. Time in Army – one year. Awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, Vietnam Service Medal, the Vietnam Campaign Medal, the Combat Infantryman Badge.
Fous, James W.
Vietnam War
PFC US Army, 9th Division. Killed in action May 14, 1968. Attended the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Time in Vietnam – three weeks. Time in the Army – seven months. Awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, the Vietnam Service Medal with one Bronze Service Star, the Vietnam Military Merit Medal, the Vietnam Gallantry Cross with palm. Citation for Congressional Medal of Honor: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. PFC Fous distinguished himself at the risk of his life while serving as a rifleman with Company E. PFC Fous was participating in a reconnaissance-in-force mission when his unit formed its perimeter defense for the night. PFC Fous, together with three other American soldiers, occupied a position in a thickly vegetated area facing a wood line. PFC Fous detected three Viet Cong maneuvering toward his position and, after alerting the other men, directed accurate fire upon the enemy soldiers, silencing two of them. The third Viet Cong soldier managed to escape in the thick vegetation after throwing a hand grenade into PFC Fous’ position. Without hesitation, PFC Fous shouted a warning to his comrades and leaped upon the lethal explosive, absorbing the blast with his body to save the lives of the three men in the area at the sacrifice of his life. PFC Fous’ conspicuous gallantry and extraordinary heroism at the cost of his life were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit the US Army.
Mulhair, Staff Sergeant, Jeremy Williams
Iraqi War
Age 35. Killed in Action in Iraq November, 30, 2006. 1st Squadron, 7th Calvary Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Calvary Division, Army.
Clamens, Staff Sergeant, Lillian “Lilly” Cobbin
Iraqi War
Age 35. Killed in Action in Iraq October, 10th, 2007. 1st Postal Platoon, 834th Adjutant General, Army.