Alumni Authors Collection
Next time you visit Central, check out the Alumni Arts Library display case in the courtyard. It's filled with brilliant literary and artistic achievements authored by Central High alumni and educators who have generously donated their works for us to display and take pride in. The subjects are as diverse as our student population – and every bit as impressive as you might expect from those who are and have been affiliated with Central High School. New items are continually added, and we're grateful for these donations and for the time and talent they represent.
If you are an author, musician or director with published works, we invite you to donate a copy to the Central High School Foundation office. Your work will be proudly displayed either in the Central High School courtyard Alumni Arts Library display case or in the Archival Room (E201) in the new addition. To view the complete list of works currently in the collection, please browse below.
Adams, Susan (Acuff), CHS 1965. The Family Compatibility Test. Omaha, NE: Addicus, 1997.
The Marital Compatibility Test. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Publishing, 1994.
Adamson, Brent, CHS 1986. The Challenger Customer: Selling to the Hidden Influencer Who Can Multiply Your Results. Portfolio/Penguin, 2015. Print.
The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation. Portfolio/Penguin, 2011.
Adwers, Robert E., CHS 1933. Rudder, Stick and Throttle. Omaha, NE: Making History, 1994.
Allen, Amy (Meyer), CHS 1988. What Is It? San Diego, CA: WS Publishing, 2000.
Agee, Jonis, CHS 1961. Strange Angels. Ticknor & Fields, 1993.
The Weight of Dreams. Viking, 1999.
The Bones of Paradise. Harper Collins, 2016.
Anderson, Noel K., CHS 1978. Those That Leap. Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing, 2006.
Andrews, Dennis W., CHS 1940. From Tommy Gun and Stiletto to Cloak and Dagger. Morris Publishing, 2002. Biography of Robert Glenn Pearson, CHS 1940.
Atkinson, David S., CHS 1994. Bones Buried in the Dirt. St. Paul, MN: River Otter Press, 2013.
Not Quite So Stories. Denver, CO: Literary Wanderlust, LLC, 2016.
Apoca Lypse All the Time. Denver, CO: Literary Wanderlust, LLC, 2017.
The Garden of Good and Evil Pancakes. EAB Publishing, 2014.
Roses are Red, Violets are Stealing Loose Change from my Pockets While I Sleep. Denver, CO: Literary Wanderlust, LLC, 2018.
Avery, Brittani S., CHS 2008. Element Unknown. Omaha, NE: Black Meredith Press, 2017.
Bachmann, Antoine, CHS 1981. Le Tronc et les Branches. Bacchus Editions, 2025.
Baker, Emily (Reynolds), CHS 1942. Caleb Reynolds, American Seafarer. Kingston, Ontario: The Limestone Press, 2000.
Baird, Thomas, CHS 1941. Finding Out. New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace & World Inc., 1967.
Poor Millie. Harper & Row, 1978.
Walk Out a Brother. Harper & Row, 1983.
Baldridge, Robert C. CHS 1942. Victory Road. Bennington, VT: Merriam Press, 1995.
Barth, Kathy DiMauro, CHS 1965, and Teresa Oroza. Vianjando por Bolivia a traves de las maravillas del tejido (Traveling Bolivia through the Wonders of Weaving). 2001.
Bartling, Peter Ralph, CHS 1960. The Unfinished Revolution. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, Inc., 2010.
Belieu, Erin, CHS 1983. Infanta. Port Townsend, WA. Copper Canyon Press. 1995.
One Above & One Below. Port Townsend, WA. Copper Canyon Press. 2000.
Black Box. Port Townsend, WA. Copper Canyon Press. 2006.
Slant Six. Port Townsend, WA. Copper Canyon Press. 2014.
Benjamin, Saragail (Katzman), CHS 1971. My Dog Ate It. New York: Holiday House, 1994.
Bergquist, Stephen A.,CHS 1959. Musical Prints 1568-1949. University of Connecticut: The William Benton Museum of Art, 2011. (2 copies)
Bitzes, John G., CHS Staff 1961-1969. Greece In World War II to April 1941. Manhattan, KS: Sunflower University Press, 1982.
Bleicher, Michael N., CHS 1953. Beck, Anatole, and Crowe, Donald W. Excursions into Mathematics. Natick, MA: A K Peters, 2000.
Bockes, Zan, CHS 1976. Caught In Passing. Cincinnati, OH: Turning Point, 2013.
Bogdanoff, Brian, CHS 1982. Three Bodies Burning. Omaha, NE: 1161 Press, 2011.
Browning, Jane (Schmidt), CHS 1966. An Arkansas History for Young People. University of Arkansas, 1991.
An Arkansas History for Young People-Teacher Guide. University of Arkansas, 1991.
Buckley, Michael, CHS 1993, and Lynch, Thomas. Father Flanagan’s Ireland: Birthplace of a Dream. Omaha, NE: Boys Town Press, 2020.
Buffett, Bill, CHS 1951. Foods You Will Enjoy: The Story of Buffett’s Store. Printed by Capitol Offset Company, 2008.
Recollections and Recipes. 2011.
Buffett, Howard G., CHS 1973. 40 Chances: Finding Hope in a Hungry World (Book and Photo Book). Simon and Schuster, 2013.
Fragile: The Human Condition. Decatur, IL: National Geographic Books, 2009.
On the Edge: Balancing Earth’s Resources. Decatur, IL: Bio Images, 2001.
Photographic Images By Howard Buffett. Decatur, IL: Bi Images,1999.
Photographic Images By Howard Buffett. Decatur, IL: Bio Images, 1999.
Spots Before Your Eyes: Cheetahs of Africa. Decatur, IL: Bio Images, 2003.
Tapestry of Life. Decatur, IL: Bio Images, 2001.
Buffett, Peter, CHS 1976. Life Is What You Make It. Three Rivers Press, Imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., 2010.
500 Nations, A Musical Journey. CD.
OjibWe Waasa Inaabidaa We Look in All Directions. CD.
Spirit. CD.
Burstein, Harvey, CHS 1940. Hotel and Motel Prevention: Management Perspective. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2001.
Violence and Security on Campus. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2010.
Criminal Investigation. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999.
Security-Management Perspective. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996.
Bush, Beverly, CHS 1945. Evidence of Things Unseen. Dallas, TX: Word Publishing, 1997.
Wings of a Dove. Dallas, TX: Word Publishing, 1996.
Cain, Robert H. Crumpets, Tea & Poetry. Mustang, OK: Tate Publishing & Enterprises, 2009.
Castello, Jennifer, CHS 2006. The Messiah of Howard Street. Omaha, NE: WriteLife, LLC, 2009.
Celebration of Women. Omaha, NE: Woman Fund, 1996.
Catalano, Theresa (Scholar), CHS 1986. Talking About Global Migration: Implications for Language Teaching. Multilingual Matters, 2016.
Chudacoff, Howard P., CHS 1961. The Age of the Bachelor: Creating an American Subculture. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999.
How Old Are You? Age Consciousness in American Culture. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1989.
Children at Play: An American History. New York, NY: New York University Press, 2007.
The Evolution of the American Urban Society. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentiss Hall, 2005.
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States Volumes I & II and Complete Edition. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Boston, 2012.
Cihlar, James, CHS 1979. Metaphysical Bailout. Pudding House Publications, 2010.
Rancho Nostalgia. Dream Horse Press, 2013.
The Shadowgraph. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2020.
Undoing. Little Pear Press, 2008.
What my Family Used. 2015.
Clark, Edward W., CHS Staff 1945-1976. All This is Over. 1949.
Sonnets From My Lanai. Morris, 1997.
Cockle, George M., CHS 1938. D-Day.
Combs, Barry B., CHS 1950. Westward to Promontory Building the Union Pacific Across the Plains and Mountains. New York, NY: Crown Publishing, 1986.
Corbin, Quinn M., CHS 2001 and Chelsea Cates. A Night at the Farm. New York, NY: Running Press Kids, Hachette Book Group, 2021.
Cordes, Henry J. CHS 1981. Unbeatable: Tom Osborne and the Greatest Era of Nebraska Football. Omaha, NE: Omaha World-Herald, 2012.
Devaney: Birth of a Dynasty. Omaha, NE: Omaha World-Herald, 2015.
Pathological: The Murderous Rage of Dr. Anthony Garcia. Wild Blue Press, 2018.
Couchman, Judith, CHS 1971, comp. Breakfast for the Soul. River Oak Publishing, 2001.
For Me To Live Is Christ. Servant Publications, 1998.
One Holy Passion: Growing Deeper in Your Walk with God. WaterBrook Press, 1998.
The Promise of Power. Servant Publications, 1998.
The Woman Behind the Mirror: Finding Inward Satisfaction with Your Outward Appearance. Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1997.
Shaping a Woman’s Soul: Daily Devotions to Calm Your Spirit and Lead You into God’s Presence. Zondervan Publishing House, 1996.
Designing a Woman’s Life: Discovering Your Unique Purpose and Passion. Multnomah Books, 1995.
The Art of Faith: a Guide to Understanding Christian Images. Paraclete Press, 2012.
His Gentle Voice: Listening for God in Everyday Moments. Multnomah Press, 1998.
The Mystery of the Cross: Bringing Ancient Christian Images to Life. IVP (InterVarsity Press) Books, 2009.
A Garden’s Promise: Spiritual Reflections in Growing from the Heart. Waterbook Press, 1998.
Celebrating Friendship: Women of Faith Bible Study Series. Zondervan, 1998.
Cullum, Princess M., PhD. CHS 1986. The Queen of Sheba: The Wisest Woman in the World. Illustrated by Suzi Eberhard. AuthorHouse, 2016.
Denenberg, Herb, CHS 1947. Cover Yourself: The Moneysworth Guide to Buying Insurance. Western Publishing Co. Inc., 1974.
Mass Marketing of Property and Liability Insurance. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970.
The Shopper’s Guide. Consumer News, Inc. 1974.
Smart Shopper’s Guide. Chilton, 1978.
Denenberg, Larry, CHS 1972. Data Structure and Their Algorithms. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 1991.
Dickson, Dr. Tamara (Mitchem), CHS 1988. Walking in Faith. Omaha, NE: Taraji, LLC, 2015.
Creative Journal: Live Your Best Life! Omaha, NE: Taraji, LLC, 2017.
Ditzler, Jinny S. (Anderson), CHS 1958. Your Best Year Yet. New York, NY: Warner, 1994.
Doctor, Jerry, CHS Staff 1977-2000. Laboratory Chemistry. Columbus, OH.
Dustin, Dorothy (Devereux), CHS 1942. Omaha & Douglas County-A Panoramic History. Woodland Hills, CA: Windsor, 1980.
Edwards, Barba Jean, CHS 1947 and John K. Brilhart. Communication in Nursing Practice. St. Louis, MO: C.V. Mosby Co., 1981.
Epstein, Peggy (Rubenstein), CHS 1960. Great Ideas For Grandkids! 150 Ways to Entertain, Educate, and Enjoy Your Grandchildren Without Setting Foot in a Toy Store. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Erickson, Lars, CHS 1976. Altered Inventions. CD. Omaha, NE: Lars Erickson Productions (BMI), 2002.
The Pi Symphony. CD. 1990.
Smile from a Stranger. CD. Lars Erickson Productions (BMI), 1992.
Time Circles. CD. Lars Erickson Productions (BMI), 2002.
Finkle, Todd A., CHS 1978. Instructor’s Notes for Lessons Learned from Leading Entrepreneurs: Case Studies in Business and Entrepreneurship. Spokane, WA: 2012.
Lessons Learned from Leading Entrepreneurs: Case Studies in Business and Entrepreneurship. Spokane, WA: 2012.
Warren Buffett: Investor and Entrepreneur. Spokane, WA: 2023.
Follmer, Gaye, CHS 1942. Out Takes in the Galaxies. Santa Monica, CA: Sapphire, 1999.
The Second Best Bed. London: Adelphi Press, 1995.
Foster, Jr., Terence E., CHS 1959. Civil Engineering in Alaska. USA: 1973.
Fox, Donald T., CHS 1947. Anniversary and Christmas Sermons: Miscellaneous Musings. USA: Fox Horan & Camerini LLP, 2015.
Freyman, Jarvis, CHS 1944. The American Health Care System: Its Genesis and Trajectory. Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger, 1974.
Scituate’s Educational Heritage. USA: Scituate Historical Society, 1990.
Fuxa, James R., CHS 1967, and Yoshinori Tanada. Epizootiology of Insect Diseases. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1987.
Fuxa Ancestral Lines. Baton Rouge, LA: Land and Land Publishing Division, 1999.
Zizka, The One-Eyed: A Historical Novel of Revolution in Medieval Bohemia. Cypress, TX: 2014.
Pathogens and Microbial Control of North American Forest Insect Pests. Morgantown, WV: USDA Forest Service, 1998.
Gaherty, Mike, CHS Staff 1963-1995. An Apple for Miss De Laney. New York, NY: Avalon Books, 1998.
Growing Season. New York, NY: Avalon Books, 1997.
More Than a Game. New York, NY: Avalon Books, 1998.
Wild Goose Chase. New York, NY: Avalon Books, 1999.
Gendler, J. Ruth, CHS 1972. The Book of Qualities. Berkley, CA: Turquoise Mountain, 1984.
Changing Light. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991.
Notes on the Need for Beauty. New York, NY: Marlowe & Company, 2007.
George Alexander Young. 1954.
Gitnick, Gary, CHS 1956. Principles and Practice of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange, 1994.
Diseases of the Liver and Biliary Tract. St. Louis, MO: Mosby, 1992.
Glass (Barring-Glass), Dr. Phyllis (Grant), CHS 1961. Will Not Perish: Understanding God and the Holy Trinity. K P (Knowledge Power) Printing.
God Searches the Heart: What’s Hidden in Yours. K P (Knowledge Power) Printing, 2023.
And When We Pray: The Prayer Warrior’s Weapons of Warfare. K P (Knowledge Power) Printing, 2023.
Goldstein, Jonathan, CHS 1946. The Anchor Bible: I Maccabees. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1976.
The Anchor Bible: II Maccabees. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1983.
The Letters of Demosthenes. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1968.
Peoples of an Almighty God. New York, NY: Doubleday, 2002.
Grimes, Lee, CHS 1937. The Ax of Atlantis. USA: Warner, 1975.
Dinosaur Nexus. USA: Avon, 1994.
The Eye of Shiva. USA: Warner, 1974.
Fortune Cookie Castle. New York, NY: Dutton, 1990.
Retro Lives. USA: Avon, 1993.
Gutman, David E., CHS 2001. The Politics of Armenian Migration to North America, 1885-1915.
Sojourners, Smugglers and Dubious Citizens. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press, 2019 and 2021.
Hagberg, Arthur M., CHS 1948. Back Tracks The Saga of Josh and Little Bird. 1st Books Library, 2003.
Hannaford, Benjamin A., CHS 2000. Blight. Benjamin A. Hannaford, 2023.
Harling, Vicky J., CHS 1980. Through the Eyes Hope. 1989.
Harrison, Les “Pee Wee,” CHS 1982. The Perfect Assist. Portland, OR: Up High Publishing House, 2014.
Haughton, Sandra (Williams), CHS 1959. Linkspirations: A Collection by Link Sandra Williams Haughton. Midland, MI: 2014.
Hayward, Sumner, CHS 1934. Star Smash. USA: Oboe, 1984.
Appendix-14 Short Biographies of Characters From Star Smash.
Hendricks, Jennifer, CHS 1989. Essentially a Mother: A Feminist Approach to the Law of Pregnacy and Motherhood. University of California Press, 2023.
Horn, Gunnar, CHS 1931. Gunnar Horn Slept Here. Sirles, 1991.
Public-School Publicity. New York, NY: Inor, 1948.
Murder in the Courtyard. Omaha, NE: Wright, 1982.
Murder in the Museum. Omaha, NE: Wright, 1980.
Murder in the Old Mill. Omaha, NE: Wright, 1979.
Murder on Maple St. Omaha, NE: Wright, 1984.
Murder in the Churchyard. Omaha, NE: Wright, 1982
Handbook for High School Journalism. Boston, MA: D.C. Heath and Company, 1944.
Hornstein, Marvin, CHS 1947. The Sky is Falling! Why Buildings Fail. South Bend, IN: And Books, 1982.
Hubbard, James D., CHS 2006. The Chicago Crime Commission Gang Book. Chicago, IL: Chicago Crime Commission, 2012.
Huff, Francine L., CHS 1985. The 25-Day Financial Makeover. Grand Rapids, MI: Fleming H. Revell, 2004.
Hunt, Alexandra, CHS 1950. Songs by Carpentar, Griffes and MacDowell. Long Play Record.
Hupp, Susanne, CHS 1945 and Stewart, Laura. Historic Homes of Florida. Sarasota, FL: Pineapple Press, 1995.
Hyman, Charles O., CHS 1953 and Allen, Thomas B. ed. We Americans: Celebrating a Nation, Its People, and Its Past. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 1999.
Ickowicz, Charles, CHS Attendee. Word Power: Vocabulary for Success. Teaneck, NJ: Dashir, Inc., 1994.
Jabenis, Elaine (Lagman), CHS 1938. The Fashion Directors. New York, NY: Macmillan, 1983.
Georgia’s Secret. Collage Books Inc., 2014
Johnson, Kathleen (Cunningham), CHS 1964. A Voice Came to Me. Fair Oaks, CA: 2006.
Jonas, Carl. Jefferson Selleck. Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1952.
Lillian White Deer. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1964.
The Observatory. New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Company, 1966.
Our Revels Now Are Ended. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1957.
The Sputnik Rapist. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1973.
Jordan, Richard Douglas, CHS 1961. Karratkatta and Other Poems. Charleston, SC: 2016.
The Quiet Hero Figures of Temperance in Spenser, Donne, Milton, and Joyce. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1989.
The Temple of Eternity Thomas Traherne’s Philosophy of Time. Port Washington, NY and London: National University Publications Kennikot Press, 1972.
Jorgensen, Eugene P., CHS 1939. My Years in Architecture & Engineering. (Self published).
My Years in the Armed Forces. (Self published).
Kaplan, Michael, CHS 1967. Apelpoc and Circularity. 1975.
Kennedy, Max C., CHS 1953. St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Omaha – The First 100 Years. 1986.
Killian, Margaret Patricia, CHS 1924. Born Rich: A Historical Book of Omaha. Omaha, NE: Assistance League of Omaha, 1978.
Krantz, Sheldon, CHS 1956. The Law of Corrections and Prisoners’ Rights: Cases and Materials. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company, 1973.
Right to Counsel in Criminal Cases: The Mandate of Argersinger v. Hamlin. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger, 1976.
Kreber, Jerry, CHS Baseball Coach. Coaching on the Big Diamond. Wellesley, MA: Baseball Media, Inc., 2011.
Kripke, Saul, CHS 1958, author of Chapter 2: Identity and Necessity, page 66. Schwartz, Stephen P. Naming, Necessity, and Natural Kinds. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1977.
Krizelman, Sheldon L., CHS 1962. Krizmerian Logic. Sheldon L. Krizelman, 2002.
Krizelman Logic. CD. Pennsauken, NJ: Disc Makers, 2003.
Kroll, Andy in honor of Seth Rich, CHS 2007. A Death on W Street: The Murder of Seth Rich and the Age of Conspiracy. New York, NY: Hachette Book Group, Inc. 2022.
Kuethe, Rick, CHS 1965. Nebraska Suite. CD. Boston, MA: Fire Husker Publishing Company, 1989.
Dance of the Cranes. CD. Boston, MA: Fire Husker Publishing Company, 1991.
Christmas in Nebraska. CD. Boston, MA: Fire Husker Publishing Company, 1996.
Hearland. CD. Boston, MA: Fire Husker Publishing Company, 2003.
Kurtz, Jane, CHS 1985 writing as J.K.O’Hanlon. 3 Ingredient Cocktails. Portland, OR: evenSO Press, 2013.
Twelve Happy Hours. Portland, OR: evenSO Press, 2014.
Seeking Solace, Solace Shattered, Solace Arisen. Portland, OR: evenSO Press, 2014.
Larsen, E. John, CHS 1943. Modern Advanced Accounting. 6th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1994.
Principles of Auditing. 6th ed. Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, Inc. 1977.
Modern Advanced Accounting, 2nd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1979.
The CPA Examination-Text, Problems, and Solutions. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1978.
Intermediate Accounting. 5th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1982
Modern Advanced Accounting. 3rd ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill,1983.
Laughlin, Liz, CHS 1980. The Blessing of Figairo-and Other Cat Diaries. Lincoln, NE: Infusionmedia, 2001.
Lerman, Jeremy, CHS 1993. Nebraska Supersonic. Omaha, NE: Prairie Dog Productions, 2008. (DVD)
Lincoln, Valaria (McCaw), CHS 1950. An American Fly on Mexican Wall – A Memoir. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2016.
Lipp, Martin R., M.D., CHS 1958. The Bitter Pill – Doctors, Patients, and Failed Expectations. New York, NY: Harper & Row, 1980.
Medical Landmarks USA – A Travel Guide. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1991.
To Your Health – Two Physicians Explore the Health Benefits of Wine. New York, NY: HarperCollinsWest.
Lipsey, Stanford, CHS 1945. Affinity of Form. Brooklyn, NY: Powerhouse Books, 2009.
Lohr, C. Kelly, CHS Staff. J. Doe The Artists – The Project. J. Doe Project Committee, 2001.
MacHaffie, Ingeborg S. (Nielson), CHS 1927 and Nielson, Margaret A. Of Danish Ways. Minneapolis, MN: Dillon, 1976.
Margaret, Helene, CHS 1923. The Great Horse. New York, NY: Farrar and Rinehart, 1937.
The Trumpeting Crane. New York, NY: Farrar and Rinehart, 1934.
Change of Season. New York, NY: Farrar and Rinehart, 1941.
Magnuson, Stewart, CHS 1981. The Death of Raymond Yellow Thunder: and Other True Stories from the Nebraska Pine Ridge Border Towns. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press, 2008.
The Last American Highway: A Journey Through Time Down U.S. Route 83: The Dakotas. Arlington, VA: Court Bridge Publishing, 2014.
The Last American Highway: A Journey Through Time Down U.S. Route 83: Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma. Arlington, VA: Court Bridge Publishing, 2015.
The Last American Highway: A Journey Through Time Down U.S. Route 83: Texas. Arlington, VA: Court Bridge Publishing, 2017.
Marantz, Steve, CHS 1969. Citizen Akoy: Basketball and the Making of a South Sudanese American. University of Nebraska Press, 2019.
Next Up at Fenway: A Story of High School, Hope and Lindos Suenos. Portland, OR: Inkwater Press, 2013.
The Rhythm Boys of Omaha Central. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2011.
Sorcery At Caesars: Sugar Ray’s Marvelous Fight. Portland, OR: Inkwater Press, 2008.
Masters, Joseph G., CHS Staff 1915-1939. Stories of the Far West. Boston, MA: Ginn and Company, 1935.
Menard, Orville D., Ph.D., CHS 1951. The Army and the Fifth Republic. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1967.
Political Bossism in Mid-America: Tom Dennison’s Omaha 1900-1933. New York, NY: University Press of America, 1989.
Rulo to Lynch with Lewis and Clark. Nebraska: Lamplighter Press, 2003.
River City Empire: Tom Dennison’s Omaha. Omaha, NE: Bison Books, 2013.
Miesbach, Donna (Huber) CHS 1952. From Grief to Joy: A Journey Back to Life & Living. Omaha, NE: Inspiritus Publications LLC, 2012.
Mirvish, Daniel, CHS 1985. I Am Martin Eisenstadt. New York, NY: Faber and Faber, Inc., 2009.
Mobley, Marta M., CHS 1985. Mary McMillan: the Mother of Physical Therapy. Beverly Hills, CA: StoryTerrace, 2020.
Produced Movies: Amish Grace (DVD) 2012, Citizen Jane (DVD) 2010, Mrs. Washington Goes to Smith (DVD) 2009, Safe Harbor (DVD) 2008.
Montag, John J. et al. CHS 1966. History of Nebraska: Fourth Edition. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 2015.
Moriarty, J. Michael, CHS 1968. Hemingway’s Retreat. Archway Publishing, 2019.
Moskovitz, Jack, CHS 1953. Welcome to Hellville. USA: Xlibris, 2000.
Mueller, Richard, CHS 1955. The Firehouse Memoir. Omaha, NE: Camp Mueller Publishing, 2024.
Nelson, Otto L, CHS 1920. National Security and the General Staff. Washington, DC: Infantry Journal Press, 1946.
Nogg, Ozzie, CHS 1953. Joseph’s Bones. Omaha, NE: Oznas Books, 2004.
Olsen, Tillie (Lemer), CHS 1929. Silences. USA: Delacorte, 1965.
Tell Me A Riddle. New York, NY: Delta, 1956.
Yonnondio-From the Thirties. USA: Delacorte, 1974.
Olsen, Viggo, M.D., CHS 1944 and Lockerbie, Jeanette. Daktar-Diplomat in Bangladesh. Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1973.
Omaha City Architecture. Landmarks, Inc. 1977.
Otis, Harry B., CHS 1938. A Journey With Seymour. Omaha, NE: Lamplighter Press, 1993.
E Pluribus Omaha – Immigrants All. Omaha, NE: Lamplighter Press, 2000.
Simple Truths – The Best of the Cockle Bur. Omaha, NE: The Bur, Inc., 1990.
Pelshaw, R.L., CHS 1985. Raising Up The Champion Within You. Omaha, NE: Strategic Media Corporation, 2000.
Perelman, Shelly, CHS 1964. A Nail in the Road. Southfield, MI: Alejan Publishing, 2003.
Peterson, Lenka (Stage Name), CHS 1943, and O’Connor, Dan. Kids Take the Stage. Back Stage Books, 1997. Given name: Lenka Isacson O’Conner.
Peterson, Pipi (Campbell), CHS parent and Campbell, Mary. CHS 1965. Ready, Set, Organize. 2nd ed. Indianapolis, IN: Park Avenue, 2002.
Pfaff, Richard W., CHS 1953. Liturgical Calendars, Saints, and Services in Medieval England. USA: Ashgate Variorum, 1998.
Montague Rhodes James. London: Scolar Press, 1980.
New Liturgical Feasts in Later Medieval England. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1970.
Pitts, Carol (Marhoff), CHS 1904, Staff 1929-1939. Pitts Voice Class Method for Class and Studio. Chicago, IL: Neil A. Kjos Music Company, 1936.
Poindexter, Robin Reed, CHS 1975. Now I See Clearly. Denver, CO: Outskirts Press, Denver, 2019.
Pollack, Henry N., CHS 1954. Uncertain Science, Uncertain World. Cambridge, U: Cambridge University Press, 2003.
A World Without Ice. New York, NY: Avery Inc., 2009.
Prescott, John. CHS 1965. The Oracle’s Fables. Dallas, TX: Taylor Specialty Books, 2018.
Reed, William A., CHS Staff. The Four Sides: The Transformation of a Coach and the Legacy of a Principal. Lincoln, NE: William A. Reed, 2015.
Rice, Don, CHS 1945. A Time for Love. CD. 2000.
Rice Frank CHS Staff. English and Its Teaching. Lincoln, NE: Professional Educators Publications Inc., 1972.
Rips, Lance J., CHS 1966, Tourangeau, Roger, and Rasinski Kenneth. The Psychology of Surve Response. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Lines of Thought: Central Concepts in Cognitive Psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Rips, Michael, CHS 1972. Pasquali’s Nose. Boston, MA: Little Brown & Co., 2001.
Rips, Nancy, CHS 1962. Hanukkah Stories Thoughts on Family, Celebration and Joy. Hollywood, FL: Frederick Fell Publishers, Inc., 2011.
High Holiday Stories. Hollywood, FL: Frederick Fell Publishers, Inc., 2010.
Seder Stories. Nashville, TN: Cumberland House.
Roberts, Carolee (Disney), CHS 1952. The (Former) Predator and the Widow Next Door. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 2009.
Robinson, Natalie Buchanan, CHS 1937. Sino-Thai Ceramics: in the National Museum, Bangkok, Thailand, and in Private Collections. The Department of Fine Arts, 1982.
Rogers, Ed.D, George CHS 1970. Gateway to Engineering. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2010
Ronell, Ann Rosenblatt, CHS 1923. Tin Pan Alley Girl: A Biography of Ann Ronell. Written by Tighe E. Zimmers. McFarland and Company, Inc. 2009.
Roots, Charlotte Irene, CHS 1924, Staff 1935-1936. In Short Measures. Douglas, 1987.
Rosen, Steve, CHS 1973. Kids’ Corner. Kansas City, MO: Kansas City Star, 2003. Issues: March 16, 2003, March 23, 2003, March 30, 2003, and April 6, 2003.
Rosenberg, Howard L., CHS 1969. Atomic Soldiers-American Victims of Nuclear Experiments. Boston, MA: Beacon, 1980.
Rubin, Thomas A., CHS 1965, A Transit Expert Who Grew Up in Omaha Looks at the Proposed Omaha Street Car, A Presentation to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Business. November 13, 2023
Are the Full Costs of Roads Paid for by Road User? For the American Dream Coalition funded by Donors Capital Program, 2010.
“Guess Blog: Fact-Checking DOT Secretary LaHood’s Latest Amtrack Promotion.” Daily Signal, March 11, 2011.
“Public-Private Partnerships: A Useful and Valuable Tool, But Not a Magic Wand,” a presentation to Florida State University Transit Reform Symposium on Public-Private Partnerships. May 15, 2015.
“Does California Really Need Major Land Use and Transportation Changes to Meet Greenhouse Gas Emission Targets?” Reason Foundation/California Republic, July 3, 2013.
Washington State DOT’s Ultra High-Speed Ground Transportation Business Cas Analysis (UHSGT) is a promotional brochure riddled with serious errors and misstatement. Washington Policy Center, October, 2020.
Express Bus and Express Lanes System for the San Francisco Bay Area. Reason Foundation Policy Study, February, 2021.
Why Rail Will Fail: An Analysis of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority’s Long Range Plan. Reason Foundation Policy Study No. 209. July, 1996.
Ten Transit Myths: Misperceptions About Rail Transit in Los Angeles and the Nation, Reason. Foundation Policy Study No. 218, November, 1996.
Rubber Tire Transit: A Viable Alternative to Rail. Reason Foundation Study No. 230, August, 1997.
Better Transportation Alternatives for Los Angeles. Reason Foundation Study No. 232, September, 1997.
A Critical Review of Los Angeles Metro’s 28 by 2028 Plan. “Director’s Cut” version of series of papers originally published by Reason Foundation, March-May, 2019.
Improving Transportation in the San Fernado Valley. Reason Foundation Policy Study No. 249, January, 1999.
Kenosha-Racine-Milwaukee (KRM) Corridor Transit Service Options: An Investigation and Analysis. Reason Foundation Study No. 372, December, 2008.
Review of Wake County Transit Plan. February, 2012.
Increasing Mobility in Southeast Florida: A New Approach Based on Pricing and Bus Rapid Transit. Reason Foundation Policy Study 400, March, 2012.
Transit Utilization and Traffic Congestion: Is There a Connection? Reason Foundation Policy Study 427, December, 2013.
Savage, Elayne (Raskin), Ph.D., CHS 1959. Breathing Room: Creating Space to Be a Couple. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, New Harbinger, 2000, 2010.
Don’t Take It Personally! The Art of Dealing With Rejection. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger, 1997.
Sayers, Gale, CHS 1961. I Am Third. New York, NY: Bantam, 1970.
Offensive Football. Forge Village, MA: Atheneum, 1972.
Players’ Choice. Racine, WI: Whitman, 1969.
Scalise, Larry M., CHS 1982, with Nicols, Donald L. Jr., and Wesson, Charles W. comp., ed. The History of the Omaha Fire Department 1860-1993. Dallas, TX: Taylor Publishing Company, 1995.
Schinzel, Dan D., CHS 1985. The Ten Most Important Things Ever Said. Bloomington, IN: Author House, 2012.
It Can’t Be That Far: A Baseball Pilgrimage. Dan Schinzel, 2022
Scott, Rosemary, CHS 1944. You Can Be a Trick Rider. Omaha, NE: The Longhorn Press, 1973.
Seals, Denisha. CHS 2009. Butterflies in Me. Lexington, KY: D. Seals Publisher, 2018.
Seitzer, Jeffrey, CHS 1977. Comparative History and Legal Theory-Carl Schmitt in the First German Democracy. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2001.
Legality and Legitimacy. (Translated and edited by Jeffrey Seitzer) Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004.
Constitutional Theory (Translated and edited by Jeffrey Seitzer) Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2008.
The Fun Master: A Father’s Journey of Love, Loss, and Learning to Live One Day at a Time. Phoenix, AZ: Spark Press, 2022.
Sharpe, Roger S., CHS 1959. Birds of Nebraska-Their Distribution and Temporal Occurrence. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska, 2001.
Shrier, Hank, CHS 1969. The Natural Networker. Jerusalem, Israel: Global Business Networking, Inc., 2007.
Shukert, Rachel, CHS 1998. Everything Is Going to Be Great. New York, NY: Harper Perennial, 2010.
Have You No Shame?: And Other Regrettable Stories. New York, NY: Villard, 2008.
Starstruck. New York, NY: Delacorte Press, 2013.
Love Me. New York, NY: Delacorte Press, 2014.
Silverman, Goldie Gendler, CHS 1950. Backpacking with Babies and Small Children. Berkeley, CA: Wilderness Press, 1975 and 1998.
Camping with Kids. Berkeley, CA: Wilderness Press, 2006.
Show Me Your Face. South Carolina: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2015.
Hold the Fat, Sugar and Salt. New York, NY: Perigee Book and Putnam Publishing Group, 1984.
No Salt, No Sugar, No Fat Cookbook. San Leandro, CA: Nitty Gritty Productions and Bristol Publishing, 1981 (2nd Edition in 1996).
Siporin, Alan, CHS 1966. Fire’s Edge. Eugene, OR: Wounded Bear Press, 2002.
Simon, Frederick J., CHS 1955. Steaklovers’ Companion. USA: HarperCollins, 1997.
Beef For All Seasons. USA: HarperCollins, 1999.
Skardal, Dorothy (Burton), CHS 1940. The Divided Heart-Scandinavian Immigrant Experience Through Literary Sources. USA: University of Nebraska Press, 1974.
Slights, Camille (Wells), CHS 1954. The Casuistical Tradition in Shakespeare, Donne, Herbert, and Milton. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1981.
Shakespeare’s Comic Commonwealths. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Smith, Jack (John W.), CHS 1948. The Wine Critic’s Choice. St. Helena, CA: JM Press, 2002.
Smith, Todd, CHS 1984. Be Amazing with Todd Smith. Illustrated by Donald Jay Epperson, II. Omaha, NE: Todd Smith, 2015.
Smith, Vernon H., CHS 1944. Alternative Schools. Lincoln, NE: Professional Educators Publications, Inc., 1974.
Alternatives In Education. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1976.
What People Think About their Schools: Gallup’s Findings. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation, 1977.
Sneider, Martin, CHS 1960. Shelf Life. Jewish Leaders Books, 2023.
Amy Unbound. Jewish Leaders Books, 2024.
Speier, Richard H., CHS 1958, and George Nacouzi, Carrie A. Lee and Richard M. Moore. Hypersonic Missile Nonproliferation: Hindering the Spread of a New Class of Weapons. Santa Monica, CA: The RAND Corporation, 2017.
Nonproliferation Sanctions. Santa Monica, CA: The RAND Corporation, 2001.
Speiglman, Richard, CHS 1964. Contemporary Drug Problems. New York, NY: Federal Legal Publications, Inc., 2003.
Starks, Virginia L. (Richardson), CHS 1973. The Spirit of Ancient Africa. Omaha, NE: Black Pyramid Press, 1997.
Stecker, Dr. Chuck, CHS 1965. Men of Honor Women of Virtue. Colorado Springs, CO: Life Journey, 2006.
Steffi, Anna (Kurtz), CHS 1984. Seeking Solace, Solace Books I II, and II. Portland, OR: evenSO Press, 2014.
Stejskal, James, CHS 1967. FBI Case Files Michigan: Tales of a G-Man. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2021.
The Horns of the Beast: The Swakop River Campaign and World War I in Southwest Africa, 1914-15. West Midlands, England: Helion & Company Limited, 2014.
Special Forces Berlin: Clandestine Cold War Operations of the US Army’s Elite, 1956-1990. Havertown, PA: Casemate Publishers, 2017.
Stern, Joel, CHS 1971. Jewish Holiday Origami. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 2006.
Origami Games. North Clarendon, VT: Tuttle Publishing, 2010.
Stevens, Doris, CHS 1905. Jailed for Freedom. USA: The Lakeside Press, R.R., 2008.
Swanson, Stevenson, CHS 1976, ed. Chicago Days-150 Defining Moments in the Life of a Great City. Wheaton, IL: Cantigny First Division Foundation, 1997.
Swenson, Inga, CHS 1950, with Robert Horton and Stephen Douglass. 110 in the Shade. CD.
Tarcher, Alyce (Bezman), CHS 1947. Principles and Practice of Environmental Medicine. New York, NY: Plenum Medical Book Co., 1992.
Thompson, Dana CHS 2002. The Haircutter. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing Inc., 2018.
Tirro, Frank, CHS 1953. Jazz-A History. New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Company, 1977.
Jazz-A History. 2nd ed. (with CD) New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Company, 1993.
Living With Jazz-An Appreciation. (with CD) Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace and Company, 1996.
Medieval and Renaissance Studies 9. Durham, NC: Duke University, 1982.
Renaissance Musical Sources in the Archive of San Petronio in Bologna. Vol. 1. West Germany: American Institute of Musicology, 1986.
The Humanities Vol. 1 and 2. 6th ed. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2001.
Audio Compact Disc to Accompany The Humanities Vol. 1 and 2. Sony CD, 2001.
Tosaw, Richard T., CHS 1943. The Cooper Caper. Ceres, CA: Richard T. Tosaw.
Travis, David, CHS 1966, and Phillips, Sandra S. and Naef, Weston J. Andre Kertesz of Paris and New York. Chicago, IL: The Art Institute of Chicago, 1985.
The Art of Photography Past and Present, from the Collection of the Art Institute of Chicago. Osaka: The National Museum of Art, 1984.
At The Edge Of The Light -Thoughts on Photography & Photographers, on Talent & Genius. Boston, MA: David R.Godine, Publisher, 2003.
On the Art of Fixing a Shadow One Hundred and Fifty Years of Photography. Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1989.
Photographs from the Julien Levy Collection. New York, NY: The Art Institute of Chicago, 1976.
Walker Evans Leaving Things as They Are. Chicago, IL: The Art Institute of Chicago, 1987.
Edward Weston – The Last Years in Carmel. New York, NY: The Art Institute of Chicago, 2001.
Photography Rediscovered American Photographs, 1900-1930. Nwe York, NY: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1979.
Travis, Gretchen, CHS 1934. The Cottage. New York, NY: Dell, Inc., 1973.
2 Spruce Lane. New York, NY: G.P. Putman’s Sons, 1975.
True II, William, CHS 1941. The Cow Spoke French. Bennington, VT: Merriam Press, 2002.
True Potpourri. Bennington, VT: Merriam Press, 2012.
Utts, Thomas C., CHS 1957. Korea Blue. New York, NY: Signet, 1991.
Vana, Johnny, CHS 1951. America’s Best Dance Band. CD.
Vann, Howard D., CHS 1951. Never Say Can’t. Pompano Beach, FL: Exposition Press of Florida, 1985.
Veret, Barry, CHS 1953, Fireflies: A Story of Three Encounters. Middletown, DE: 2020.
Parallel Tracks: Two Landscapes/Two Journeys. USA: Xlibris Corporation, 2011.
Vernelle, Marjorie, CHS 1966. E-mail du jour: Letters for a Year in France. USA: Xlibris Corporation, 1999.
Upon the Bay of Angels. USA: Xlibris Corporation, 2008.
Vinovskis, Maris A., CHS 1961. The Birth of Head Start. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2005.
Education, Society, and Economic Opportunity. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1995.
An “Epidemic” of Adolescent Pregnancy? New York,NY: Oxford University Press, 1988.
From A Nation at Risk To No Child Left Behind. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University.
History & Educational Policymaking. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999.
The Law and Politics of Abortion. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1980.
Learning from the Past. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.
The Origins of Public High Schools. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985.
A Reexamination of the Beverly High School Controversy. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985.
Revitalizing Federal Education Research and Development. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2001.
Toward a Social History of the American Civil War. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.
Walter, Joan, CHS 1947. The Rotten Apple Gang. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 2006.
Wead, Ph.D., Rodney S., CHS 1953. Above and Beyond. Decatur, GA: AWVB Publishing, 2021.
The African American Family in Nebraska. USA: United Methodist Community Centers, Inc., 1989.
Coming This Far by Faith. Columbus, OH: The Neighborhood House, 1996.
The Neighborhood Cooperative. USA: 1983.
Weber, Lee Andrew, CHS 1923. The Missouri at Omaha and Other Poems. Stamford, CT: Atlantic Printing Co., 1983.
Wellman, Rol, CHS 1960. Port of Climax. Victoria, BC: Trafford Publishing, 2006.
Wigton, Robert S., CHS 1960, M.D., M.S., and Tape, Thomas G., M.D. Procedural Skills for Internal Medicine. St. Louis, MO: Mosby-year Book, Inc, 1996.
Williams, II, Hugh W., CHS 1948. Steel Resolve. Omaha, NE: Drake-Williams Steel Publishing, 2008.
Williams-Burtley, Ernestine, CHS 1968. She Doesn’t Sing Anymore: A Daughter’s Journey with Her Mother Who Has Alzheimer’s. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse, 2007
Wilmot, Ph.D., Keith A., CHS 1965. The Wilmot Story – The Search for Who We Are. Deep River Publishing, 2020.
Wintle, Thomas D., CHS 1966. The Unitarian Universalist Christian Reader. Vol. 51, 52, and 62. Boston, MA: Unitarian Universalist Christian, 1996-1997 and 2022.
Hear, Pray, Affirm. The Unitarian Universalist Christian Fellowship, Turley, OK. 2010.
A New England Village Church-The First Church in Lancaster. Lancaster, MA: 1985.
Wise, Victoria (Jenanyan), CHS 1962. Sausage: Recipes for Making and Cooking with Homemade Sausage. Ten Speed, 2010.
The Well-Filled Tortilla Cookbook. New York, NY: Workman Publishing, 1990.
Bold: A Cookbook of Big Flavors. New York, NY: Workman Publishing, 2013. Print.
Young, Bonnie, CHS 1936. A Walk Through the Cloisters. Italy.
Young, David, CHS 1954. Seasoning: A Poet’s Year with Seasonal Recipes. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 1999.
Zabin, Jeff, CHS 1983 and Sawhney, Mohan. The Seven Steps to Nirvana: Strategic Insights Into eBusiness Transformation. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Zorinsky, Edward, CHS 1945. Late a Senator From Nebraska-Memorial Addresses Delivered in Congress-One-Hundredth Congress First Session. Washington, DC: U. S. Printing Office, 1987.